The PRODUCT INFORMATION screen allows users to update existing products and quantities or add new products and quantities. New products, services or hearing aids can be added in this menu option. (Depending on the Clinics location, users may or may not see all of the fields described here.)
To ADD new products, click ADD. Select a category for the new product. The system uses the category when assigning the next product number. Select the appropriate category, then click CONTINUE.
To VIEW or EDIT an existing product, click CHANGE or click the button to search for an existing product by description, catalog or by a vendor's product number.
The screen prompts are:
PRODUCT NUMBER - When adding new products, press enter to auto-assign the next available product number, or type your own number for this product. Use up to 12 characters.
DESCRIPTION - Enter a description of the item as it should appear on printed documents. Use up to 30 characters. If exporting sales data to an accounting software, only alphanumeric characters should be used in the description due to possible importing errors. Characters such as " & " and " / " in the product description can cause issues within imports.
VENDOR - Select the vendor or supplier from whom the item is purchased or for whom it will be re-ordered from in the future, using the drop-down list.
VENDOR PRODUCT NUMBER - Type the vendor's part number or model number. Use up to 20 characters.
CATEGORY - If adding a new product, the category previously selected will auto populate when pressing the ENTER key on the field. Users can also select the appropriate product category for the product from the drop-down list for this product. Product categories drive the accounting and reporting outputs when a product within this category is sold. Categories are set up in Product Categories (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > PRODUCT CATEGORIES.) Note that changing the category here on a previously created product does not alter the product number to match the category chosen.
PRODUCT TYPE - Indicate in which Product Type this product belongs. (Product Types can be maintained within Product Type (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > PRODUCT TYPES.)
BATTERY SIZE - From the drop-down list, if this product is defined as a "Hearing Aid" users can associate a battery size for this product. This associated battery size will show as the default battery size on invoices when selling this product.
WARRANTY PERIOD (MONTHS) - If this product is marked as serialized, a default warranty period can be entered here (in months) so that when this product is added to a document, the correct default warranty will calculate based on the document date being used. Clinics can also be configured to calculate a serial numbers warranties based on the Receive Order process within Document Parameters. (This default warranty date can be edited at the point of sale if needed.) Warranty information can then be tracked and reports regarding expiry dates can be run.
L & D WARRANTY PERIOD (MONTHS) - If this product has a Loss and Damage default warranty period, it can be entered here (in months) so that when this product is added to a document, the correct default loss and damage warranty will calculate based on the document date being used. Clinics can also be configured to calculate a serial numbers warranties based on the Receive Order process within Document Parameters.This default loss and damage warranty date can be edited at the point of sale if needed. Warranty information can then be tracked, extended on sold devices and reports regarding expiry dates may be run.
SERIALIZED ITEM - (THIS MENU OPTION WILL ONLY APPEAR FOR CLINICS WHO HAVE BEEN CONFIGURED TO USE OUR SERIALIZED PROCESSING MODULE). Indicate with a check box if this is a serialized item. The GEAR symbol that will appear can be clicked to maintain serial numbers and the locations associated to them.
This window can be sorted by any of the column headers by clicking the column header. The DISPLAY ALL button at the top will allow the user to see serial numbers that are sold as well. Within the Serial Numbers window, the following information will be seen: each serial number, the date received, the date sold (if the users is in DISPLAY ALL mode,) invoice date (if in DISPLAY ALL mode), cost, location and patient (if in DISPLAY ALL mode), order number, bill number and reference number (if applicable). Serial numbers that are received via Receive Orders (SALES< REPAIRS AND ORDERS > RECEIVE ORDERS) that are currently in stock will appear here. Serial Numbers that have been sold will appear in this window as well if DISPLAY ALL has been selected. Users can also add new serial numbers to this window, edit existing serial number details or delete serial numbers from inventory via this window using the ADD, CHANGE or DELETE icons. Available serial numbers shown here can be edited by highlighting the line and pressing the CHANGE icon. Other items that are editable on a serial number include the COST and the LOCATION associated to this serial number. (**Note: the COST field will auto populate with the amount shown on the main product screen as the product COST. The COST that is auto-populated can be edited.)
Delete available serial numbers by highlighting the line item and pressing DELETE (a serial number that is currently assigned to a patient as ON LOAN is not able to be deleted).
The following information under "Invoice #" can appear for a serial number:
PENDING - means the serial number has been added to the Order, yet the Order has not been received.
RTN ORD - means the serial number is currently on a Return or Credit Order and has not been received.
TRANSIT - means the serial number has been transferred to another location (using the 2-Step Transfer method), however it has not yet been received at the new location.
ON LOAN - means the serial number has been associated to a Patient file and is currently on loan to that patient.
STOCKADJ - means the serial number is not available by the Stock Adjustment process.
The option to print RECEIVING LABELS will be presented when adding new serial numbers to the product file directly in PRODUCT INFORMATION. This option is ONLY presented if the PRODUCT CATEGORY that this product belongs to has been flagged to print RECEIVING LABELS.
QUANTITY ON HAND - Enter the current quantity on hand for this product. This field is automatically maintained by the system as sales occur and as orders are received.
Click the button. The window on the right will display, allowing the user to specify the quantity per location. Users can narrow down the search to review only product quantity adjustment types such as Received, Transferred, Manually Adjusted or new Stock Take option. When the line details are expanded, the user id associated with the quantity adjustment will be displayed.
The screen prompts are:
LOC - Each location's total current quantity appears here. To add location stock to a location that does not appear here, press ADD.
DESCRIPTION - The description for the location will appear here.
QUANTITY - The current total of all quantity will appear here. Click the
button to see a history of PRODUCT QUANTITY CHANGES. Within a date range, adjustments made via receiving's, manual adjustments, sales invoices, transfers, stock takes and repairs can be seen here. Highlight any line and click the
button on the DOCUMENT field to see a preview of the document associated to the adjustment. Users can highlight an adjustment line and press EXP/CON button to see additional information.
MINIMUM - Define the minimum acceptable quantity that should be in stock at this specific location. If defined, the Product Minimum/Maximum Report (REPORTS AND INQUIRIES > INVENTORY > PRODUCT MINIMUM/MAXIMUM REPORT) can be run to confirm product levels are in an acceptable range for this location. (If populated, this minimum will override any minimum values set on the previous/ main screen of PRODUCT INFORMATION for a specific location.)
MAXIMUM - Define the maximum acceptable quantity that should be in stock at this specific location. If defined, the Product Minimum/Maximum Report (REPORTS AND INQUIRIES > INVENTORY > PRODUCT MINIMUM/MAXIMUM REPORT) can be run to confirm product levels are in an acceptable range for this location.(If populated, this maximum will override any maximum values set on the previous/ main screen of PRODUCT INFORMATION for a specific location.)
COST - This is the cost of the product, or what you paid the vendor for this product. Whatever cost is entered here will flow through to Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory if you are exporting sales and accounting information into either Quick Books or Navision. (If this is a serialized product, the cost shown here will default as the cost on serial numbers when entered manually entered into the serial numbers window.) The icon can be clicked to display Product Cost Levels which can be set up within Product Cost Level Codes to specify that this product has different costs for different groups or organizations.
MARKUP % - Type in the correct mark-up percentage (for example: enter a mark-up percentage of thirty percent as 30.00. The mark-up percentage is then used to calculate the list price based on the COST field. This applies only if the LIST PRICE field (below) is left blank).
LIST PRICE - The list price will calculate as the COST x (1 + MARKUP %) if the markup % field above is populated. Otherwise, manually enter the list price of this product here. If your clinic has been configured to enable Price List Codes by Location within Company Parameters, then users can click the button within the list price field to launch a new window titled LIST PRICE BY LOCATION and select the price for this product at specific locations. The LOCATION is determined as the document location at which the product is being sold. When saving a LIST PRICE BY LOCATION please note that if the location price is entered as $0.00 or blank, the price for that location will defer to the main product default price. To indicate a product is FREE at a specific location, check the "NO CHARGE" box.)
LOCATION - All location codes appear here.
DESCRIPTION - All descriptions for the location codes appear here.
NO CHARGE - To indicate a product is free for price list codes at a specific location, check the NO CHARGE flag as zero dollar prices for a location will be ignored.
PRICE - Enter the price for the product when this price code is selected for this location.
INCL TAX - The list price plus any taxes for this location will display here. It is a view only field as only the list price field is editable. (This field is labeled "VAT" amount within the UK.)
Press CONTINUE to commit your changes or CANCEL to cancel changes and/or close the window and return to the main PRODUCT INFORMATION screen.
PRICE LIST CODES - Click the button to enter specific product pricing for any price list code which has previously been set up within Product Price List Codes, which allows users to indicate different pricing for this product based on codes. For example, a product may have a different price for a seniors group, government employee or special price for funded sales. (If in Canada associating a product to a Price Code for VAC/AVDP/WSIB will provide users and option to associate a funder code to this product as well under CANADIAN CODES (for Canada.) Other countries can associate FUNDING CODES to funders within Funding Sources (Co Payers) and then within FUNDING CODES can specify funder codes to this product.)
CODE - All Price List Codes set up will appear here in the list of codes available.
DESCRIPTION - The full length description of what the code represents will appear here.
LIST PRICE - Enter the price for the product when this price code is selected.
LIST PRICE INCL TAX - The list price plus any taxes (based on the operator's location and the product category to which this product belongs) will display here. Only the list price field is editable.
LOCATIONS - If your clinic has been configured to enable Price List Codes by Location within Company Parameters, this LOCATION window will be accessible. Click in the ... box to launch PRICE LIST CODES BY LOCATION window for a specific price code.
DISCOUNT AMOUNT - Enter a dollar amount discount to be applied to this product when this specific PRICE LIST CODE is selected.
All locations will be displayed here, giving users the option to specify that a price list code can have different pricing based on location.
For example, a seniors group price may be $900 at one location, and $1000 at a different location.
LOCATION - All location codes appear here.
DESCRIPTION - All descriptions for the location codes appear here.
NO CHARGE - To indicate that a product is free for price list codes at a specific location, check the NO CHARGE flag as zero dollar prices for a location will be ignored.
PRICE - Enter the price for the product when this price code is selected for this location.
INCL TAX - The list price plus any taxes for this location will display here. Only the list price field is editable.
DISCOUNT AMOUNT - Enter a dollar amount discount to be applied to this product when this specific PRICE LIST CODE is selected for this location.
Note the priority for a default price on a sales document will be:
a.Price List Code by Location
b.Price List Code
c.List Price by Location
d.List Price
Press CONTINUE to commit the changes or CANCEL to cancel changes and/or close the window and return to the main PRODUCT INFORMATION screen.
ALTERNATIVE LIST This is an information field only that can be used to track an alternate price such as a list price in a different country. This alternate list price will not populate on a sales document.
OVERRIDE LIST PRICE - At the product level, users can indicate that an item is exempt from the OVERRIDE UNIT PRICE flag in the SYSTEM/ CLINIC INFORMATION/ DOCUMENT PARAMETERS general default setting. The ability to override the unit price of a document (invoice, quote or fast-track invoice) will be determined by how THIS flag is set. If no selection is made, the product will use the default setting as per the SYSTEM/ CLINIC INFORMATION/ DOCUMENT PARAMETERS flag. If the selection here is set to YES for OVERRIDE LIST PRICE, then the default company setting is irrelevant; the product itself can have the unit price overrode. Alternatively, if the product itself in the PRODUCT INFORMATION file has the flag set to NO for OVERRIDE LIST PRICE, and the default company setting is set to YES in DOCUMENT PARAMETERS, then this one product will not allow unit price overrides.
ORDER CONVERSION - Enter the number of items received via the Unit of Measure below. (For example, if you are receiving ONE box of 10 items, the Order Conversion figure that goes here is 10. When the item is added onto an order, the order will automatically update the cost using this formula: Cost x Order Conversion IE if the product cost is $1 and the conversion is 10, when you put 1 on an order it will input a cost of $10. When you receive the order, the quantity on hand will be increased by $10.
UNIT OF MEASURE - Manually enter the unit of measure as a description. (For example, BOX/ CASE/ PKG.)
DATE COUNTED - Shows the date on which this product was included in a full stock take process. Clicking the "..." box will show each location's last stock take update, AS WELL AS the date on which each location's stock take was performed.
BARCODES - If using a bar code scanner, enter the bar coeds associated to this product here. Once a bar code has been associated to a product, then a user can scan in that bar code when their keyboard cursor is within any PRODUCT NUMBER field. The associated product number to the scanned bar code will populate. (When using a scanning device, ensure that the device setting "carriage return" or "line feed" has been turned ON. This allows the assumption of the ENTER KEY to be applied after scanning a bar code).
ADP/ CATALOGUE NUMBER - Enter the product's catalogue number in this field. If the clinic is in Ontario, Canada, enter the ADP Catalogue number in this field.
**NOTE - If your clinic is located in Canada, you will be presented with some additional fields for each product as follows. **
CANADIAN CODES for Canadian clinics / FUNDING CODES for all other country clinics -
ODSP, VAC, VAC2, VAC3, VAC4, WCB and WSIB will all appear automatically for Canadian clinics. Enter the appropriate Canadian Funder Code in each field as required. The PRICE field will populate automatically based on what is entered for the matching funder within the previous screen PRICE LIST CODES. Other countries can associate FUNDING CODES to funders within Funding Sources (Co Payers) and then within FUNDING CODES can specify funder codes to this product.)
If a funder dictates a different warranty period then the standard private patient warranty listed on the main screen for this product, then scroll to the right and check the USE WARRANTY flag and then specify the warranty date and L&D warranty date (in # of months) that this product should default to when added to an invoice where the price list is selected.
MANUFACTURER Select the product manufacturer from the drop-down list.
MODEL The model information can be entered. This is an option field.
STYLE The style information can be entered. This is an optional field.
DEFAULT INVOICE QUANTITY - A default invoice quantity can be indicated on the product information file so that when this product is added to a document, the default invoice quantity will appear. This default quantity on the invoice (document) can be edited by the user even if defaulted.
ALLOW DISCOUNTS - Select whether to allow discounts on this product. USER DEFAULT means that permission to use discounts on invoices is based on the users security settings within in APPLICATION USERS. YES means that this product can always be discounted by any user. NO means that this product should never be discounted. It is important to note that if the discount password functionality has been set up within CLINIC INFORMATION, any user given the discount password will be able to discount all products, even products flagged as NO for allowing discounts.
MAX DISCOUNT ALLOWED - Assign a maximum percentage that can be applied on this product.
MINIMUM QUANTITY - Define the minimum acceptable quantity that should be in stock. If defined, the Product Minimum/Maximum Report can be run to confirm product levels are in an acceptable range. The quantity reflected here is company wide. If you wish to specify specific minimum quantities by location, do so within the QUANTITY ON HAND field. (Any minimum quantity levels entered at the location level within QUANTITY ON HAND will override any minimum levels entered here for applicable locations.)
MAXIMUM QUANTITY - Define the maximum acceptable quantity that can be in stock. If defined, the Product Minimum/Maximum Report can be run to confirm product levels are in an acceptable range. The quantity reflected here is company wide. If you wish to specify specific maximum quantities by location, do so within the QUANTITY ON HAND field. (Any maximum quantity levels entered at the location level within QUANTITY ON HAND will override any maximum levels entered here for applicable locations.)
ENFORCE MAX QUANTITY - If checked, this product will respect the maximum quantity limit indicated here (or within the QUANTITY ON HAND option by location min/max quantity) and only users who belong to Security Roles that allow permission to ordering more quantity then the maximum allowed will be to create an order that exceeds the maximum limit.
DEVICE OPTIONS - This window brings the user to a Device Options screen that allows him/her to set up and maintain the various device options for any product.
Use the ADD button to add a new Device Option and indicate whether the option is:
Included (Automatically includes the device values assigned to this device option on an order, invoice or repair.)
Required (Selection of at least one device value is required on an order, invoice or repair..)
Multiple (Allows more than one device option to be selected per product on an order, invoice or repair.)
Use the Print Options to select what device options to suppress (if anything) when printing Quotes, Invoices or Orders.
When clicking on DEVICE VALUES, a new window opens. Indicate the options this device will offer users on Quotes, Invoices and Orders.
Use the ADD button to add each device value available for this product and indicate the Cost and List Price. Only one value per option can be the DEFAULT device value. When a device value has been selected as the DEFAULT device value, it will be automatically selected as the device option value when adding it to a Quote, Invoice or Order.
Change the cost and list price at any time using the CHANGE button. Delete any value by using the DELETE button.
This device option can then be selected on quotes, invoices and orders. To apply these same Device Options to another product or have other device options from another product copied to this device, use the COPY button. A new window will appear, prompting the user to select either Copy FROM another product's device or to Copy TO another product:
When copying another product's device option to this option:
Enter the product number (from which to copy the device options) and press CONTINUE.
Select the product you are copying from or to.
Users can choose to enter (or search for) a single product number and press CONTINUE, or select to apply this products device options to an entire category. If applying this product's device options to an entire category, users can choose the category and will be presented with a list of active products within it:
Use the SELECT ALL and CLEAR ALL buttons to make the application of device options easier. Click the DETAILS button to see any previously entered device option that product may have. To individually select or deselect a product to copy, double click the product itself. Press CONTINUE to save and close this window.
When finished editing device options, click the CONTINUE button to save and close the window.
ALLOW ORDERING - Selecting MANUAL will warn a user who is CONVERTING A QUOTE TO AN ORDER that the product is not to be ordered and confirming they wish to continue. (An example of when to indicate MANUAL may be for products like batteries - which possibly do not need to be ordered because there are plenty in stock.) Selecting YES will always allow users to add this product to ORDERS. Selecting NO here field will prevent users from being able to add this product to an order within ENTER ORDERS and will also prevent this product from being applied to an order when using the CONVERT QUOTE TO ORDER option. (An example of when to indicate NO may be for products like DISPENSING FEES as services are never ordered.)
INACTIVE ITEM - Checking this field will prevent this product from being viewed when searching for an active product and will also prevent this product from being added to new documents.
NON-STOCK ITEM - By checking this field, this product is identified as a non-stock item and can be included on various inventory and sales reports based on this flag.
SUGGESTED SALES LIST - Users can define SSL (Suggested Sale Lists) which are to be associated to a product. Products designated as SSL's will be offered to users when adding the product that has been set up to have SSL's. SSL's can be serialized or non-serialized products. However, if users are unable to add a serialized product or SSL item to a non-hearing aid invoice, SSL's will be prompted for when creating a new quote, invoice or HSP Claim (Australia only.) SSL's are NOT applied to Fast-Track Invoices.
To add a SSL item to this product, click ADD. Enter the product number and quantity default. If this SSL product is to default as being included on the invoice, check the "default" box. To apply a default discount percentage, indicate the default discount to any amount. (Note: If users leave the discount field blank for an SSL item, a battery club discount will NOT apply when added to an invoice.)
** NOTE: It is recommended to ONLY add products such as remote controls and services (such as dispensing fees or batteries.) Do NOT add another Hearing Aid device as an SSL as they generally do not have a serial number or side associated to documents.
The PRINT icon launches a Product Label print job.
Confirm how many labels you wish to print and press CONTINUE. A label will print that includes the Product Number, Description and Vendor. A bar code representing the Manage product number assigned to this product will also print. *Note if you do not see a bar code in your product label, please contact Auditdata Support to get the latest label printer application installed on all machines running labels from Manage.
Click SAVE or SAVE/EXIT to store your changes. Click EXIT to close the window.