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Receive Orders

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The RECEIVE ORDERS menu option is used to receive inventory that were previously entered as Orders to vendors or manufacturers.

The screen prompts are:


LOCATION - Select the location you are receiving an order for. Note location permissions for the user logged in will be applied to selection options. (Note if a vendor invoice number is a required clinic parameter, then ALL LOCATIONS will not be a selectable option.)

ORDER NUMBER - Enter or use the search tool to find the order to receive.

VENDOR - From the drop-down menu, select the vendor or manufacturer from whom you are receiving products.

VENDOR INVOICE - The reference number or vendor invoice number is a mandatory field if you wish to enter an Accounts Payable bill for this received order. If this field name has a * beside the label, the this field has been configured as mandatory.

SHIPMENT NUMBER - If applicable, record a shipping number associated to this receiving.

INVOICE DATE - Accept the default of today's date or enter an alternate Invoice Date for the items received.


Once the vendor and an invoice number has been selected, a grid containing all of the outstanding items will auto-populate. Review both the items on this list and the items you are receiving.  

You can toggle between seeing the "Orders" tab or the "Details" tab. The "Orders" tab displays a list of orders currently open for the selected vendor. If you double-click on an Order, the "Details" tab will be launched, displaying the products ordered.  If you click on the "Details" tab without selecting a specific order, then the "Details" tab will show you all the details of products waiting to be received for this vendor.

Press the EXP/CON icon to see more information regarding the Order under the DETAILS tab.

Indicate that you have received each line item by clicking in the RECEIVED box at the end of each line under the "Details" tab. Place a check in each line box for those items you are receiving. If receiving a serialized product, you will be prompted to enter the serial numbers as you receive them.

When the items are received, the on-hand quantity in the PRODUCT INFORMATION file is automatically updated.


When you have completed indicating which items you are receiving, press CONTINUE to save and close this option. Return to the selection screen receive inventory from a different vendor/manufacturer.

Next, you may be prompted with a BILLS window (depending on your Clinic Parameters set-up.) Manage can be customized to prompt a user to enter the bill from the manufacturer immediately following receiving an item. For information on  BILLS, please go Inventory Bills (ACCOUNTS PAYABLE > INVENTORY BILLS.)

**  When receiving an order, the "product cost" will not automatically update the product file in PRODUCT INFORMATION unless the clinic parameter has been turned on indicating that product cost can up updated by receiving orders.

*Note: If using the EDI processing to receive orders from a Vendor, please see the EDI Configuration and Processing Guide within EDI Configuration and Processing.