This option allows users to enter, invoice and track repairs. To add a new Repair, press ADD. To review or edit an existing Repair, press CHANGE.
The screen prompts are:
REPAIR NUMBER - Search to view or edit an existing repair by using the icon. To ADD a new repair, click the ADD icon at the top of the screen. If adding a new repair, the system will generate the next available repair number. Press ENTER to accept this repair number.
REPAIR DATE - Press Enter to accept todays date or type the preferred date. This date field will respect the company DATE RANGE CONTROL parameters for REPAIRS when edited.
DATE DUE - Enter the due date for this repair. This is an estimated return date and will drive the REPAIR INQUIRY so that overdue repairs can be tracked.
CLOSED - After a repair is completed, clicking this box will close or complete the repair. It will be considered closed (or back from the manufacturer). It will no longer display when a user is searching for open repairs when using the REPAIR INQUIRY. Checking the CLOSED box will not automatically create an invoice for the Patient. To invoice the Patient, navigate to the REPAIR TOTALS screen and use GENERATE INVOICE FLAG as outlined below.
CREDIT - Clicking this box will designate that this repair is a Credit Repair. When checking this option, the COST associated to each repair problem will flow through as a credit (negative) amount to your accounting system. If the invoice to the patient should also be a credit, the AMOUNT for each detail line will need to be manually edited to be a credit (negative) amount.
LOCATION - From the drop-down list, select the location for which to enter the repair. (If your user ID has NOT been set up to prompt for location, this field will be disabled).
PATIENT NUMBER - Enter a patient number or click the button. Users can search for a patient by entering the first few characters of their last name in the PATIENT NUMBER field and pressing ENTER . Once a patient is selected, the following information will auto populate: PATIENT NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, PROV/STATE, POSTAL CODE, HOME PHONE, WORK PHONE.
SPECIALIST - The patient file will default the Specialist on the Repair, however this Specialist is editable.
SEND TO - Select the vendor to whom you are sending the repair, using the drop-down list.
REFERRAL SOURCE - Select the referral source for this repair from the drop-down list. When adding a new document, this will default to the patients assigned referral source from the PATIENT INFORMATION screen. (This is useful at a later point when tracking sales by referral source.)
STATUS - Select or edit the Repair Status Code applicable to this repair as needed.
ADDITIONAL INFO - If your clinic is located in Canada, you will be prompted for the following information:
WARRANTY DATE - Enter the repair warranty date in this field.
AUTHORIZATION NUMBER Enter the claim authorization number in this field.
VAC PRESCRIBER CODE - If the repair is funded by Veterans Affairs Canada, enter the appropriate prescriber code. Valid entries are CA and MD.
CLERK - The user id will default to the current user.
NOTES - Click the NOTES icon to enter detailed notes for the repair. The notes will print near the top of the repair form.
Once the patient information is completed, a window to enter the product information will appear.
PRODUCT - Click the button to be presented with a window that allows users to search this patient's device history via "Client History"or to search "Other" which allows user to search all available products. Only aids considered "in use by patient" will show here based on the HEARING AID STATUS CODE. To edit the available Hearing Aid Status Codes, go to Hearing Aid Status Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > HEARING AID STATUS CODES.)
Alternatively, search for a product by entering the first few characters of the product description in the product number field and press ENTER .
DESCRIPTION - The description of the selected hearing aid will display.
SERIAL NUMBER - Enter the serial number of the hearing aid being repaired. Or, from the drop down list, select the serial number being repaired. All serialized products associated to the selected patient will appear here, no matter to which product type the product belongs.
PROBLEM - From the drop-down list, select the repair problem. (The repairs problems are created and maintained under the MAINTAIN REPAIR REASONS menu option). If choosing a Repair Reason that has been identified as using inventory items, you will later be prompted to add inventory to this repair.)
T (TAXES) - Click the button to edit or to add any applicable taxes.
AMOUNT - The default amount to be charged to the patient for the repair will appear here. Depending on your security settings, you may be able to edit this amount.
Click CONTINUE to save and continue.
If a Repair Reason that has been identified as using Inventory has been selected, you will be prompted to enter the inventory products to be used on this Repair. If you have not used a Repair Reason that uses inventory, you will go directly to the Repair Totals window.
The Repair Number, Product Number and Problem will appear as selected on the previous screen.
Press ADD to add inventory items to be used on this repair. (Press CHANGE to edit a previously entered product or press DELETE to delete a previously entered product.)
PRODUCT - Enter or search for the product being added to this repair.
DESCRIPTION - The description of the selected product will auto populate.
QUANTITY - Enter the quantity of the selected product or press ENTER to accept the default quantity of 1.
Click CONTINUE to save and continue.
If the manufacturer has provided a new serial number (for a Hearing Aid, not an Accessory), click the EXP/CON button. If the original serial number selected for the repair matches a serial number sold to the patient through Simply Hearing OMS or exists within Competitive Aids, you will be presented with the NEW SERIAL # field where a replacement serial number can be entered. This new serial number will be added to the Patient's Hearing Aid History only when the Repair has been invoiced using the "GENERATE INVOICE" flag on the REPAIR TOTALS screen. The original issued serial number will be updated with the new serial number in the patient's hearing aid history. However, the original invoice will display "EXCHANGED" serial information and the reprint of the original invoice will display the old serial number as it existed at the time of the sale. If you need to change a serial number due to a typo in the serial number, then you must return the invoice (putting the aids back into stock) and then delete a typo serial number from PRODUCT INFORMATION > SERIAL NUMBERS and then add the correct serial number into PRODUCTION INFORMATION > SERIAL NUMBERS and then re-create the invoice with correct serial numbers. If you have accidentally assigned the left serial number to the right side or right serial number to the left side, then you must return the original invoice and re-create the invoice allocating the serial numbers to the correct side.
(Remember that if printing a repair document where the serial number has been replaced or edited via a Repair, the ORIGINAL serial number will print on the documents as it is the original device.)
A new window called REPAIR TOTALS for invoicing, deposits and payment purposes will appear.
The screen prompts are:
SUBTOTAL - Will appear based on the repair items selected in the previous screen.
TAX AMOUNT - Will show the taxes applied based on the previously entered repair items. Click the button to view the TAX INFORMATION window. Each tax code applied to the repair invoice - based on the Repair Reasons (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING AR/AP > REPAIR REASONS) applied on the repair will be presented as a line item showing the tax percentage - as per Tax Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING AR/AP > TAX CODES) set up, the taxable amount (portion of the sale tax is calculated on) and tax amount (total for that tax code payable.)
(UK clinics will show a Taxable Amount that includes the product cost plus their clinic assigned Tax On Cost Pad.)
ROUNDING AMOUNT - Will show if any rounding has been applied. Users with rounding permissions can edit the rounding as required.
To print this repair, click the PRINT button.
If you are not ready to invoice this repair, click CONTINUE to save and continue.
To generate an invoice for this repair, click the GENERATE INVOICE check box (**if a new serial number has been associated to this repair, it will ONLY appear in the Patient's Hearing Aid History AFTER the repair has been invoiced. Even if there are no balances due by any funders or by the patient, a zero dollar invoice must be generated.) The subtotals and tax amounts are shown.
To view the taxable amounts, click the
GENERATE INVOICE - Check this box to create an invoice for the repair. This will automatically mark the invoice as CLOSED so that it no longer appears on the REPAIR INQUIRY as an open repair. Generating an invoice from the repair will also create a receivable to the patient and/or funder.
INVOICE DATE - Press Enter to accept today's date or type in the preferred date. This date field will respect the company DATE RANGE CONTROL parameters for INVOICES when edited.
FUNDING AMOUNT - Click the button to select a third party funding amount for this invoice/ document.
Click ADD to select a new funding source to add for this invoice. Ensure the amount field is correct as it will effect the patient balance due.
Note if your clinic is in New Zealand and you have configured a ACC Matrix within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > ACC Matrix (New Zealand only) and you chose a FUNDER who has been configured to be a part of the ACC PRICE MATRIX pricing, then you will be presented with the ACC MATRIX selection window where you can chose the codes that are available in your configuration.
Note: When clinics in the United States have AllWell Financing integration set up, another button called "FINANCE" appears. Clinics with this integration enabled will be able to use the FINANCE button to deploy the AllWell credit application web form from Invoices and Repairs. After AllWell credit approval has been granted, users will return to this FUNDER window and add AllWell as a funder on the Invoice or Repair for the credit amount approved. This will change the patient balance due to be the AllWell funder balance due.
PAYMENT AMOUNT - Click the button to add payment amounts against this repair invoice. If this repair has not been invoiced (by clicking the GENERATE INVOICE check box) then there will be no access to the PAYMENT AMOUNT field.
DATE - Enter the date the payment was taken.
REF - Enter the reference number for the payment taken.
METHOD - Enter the method of payment used for this payment
AMOUNT - Enter the amount of the payment taken for this method of payment.
Press CONTINUE to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
DEPOSIT AMOUNT - Click the button to add deposit amounts against this repair invoice.
DATE - Enter the date the deposit was taken.
REF - Enter the reference number for the deposit taken.
METHOD - Enter the method of payment used for this deposit.
AMOUNT - Enter the amount of the deposit taken for this method of payment.
Press CONTINUE to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
CLIENT BALANCE - Displays the balance due after all deposits and payments are recorded.
NOTES - Click the button to enter any additional detailed notes. Notes will appear on the top of a repair or a repair invoice when printed.
Note - if you have the Clinic parameter "GENERATE BILL FROM REPAIR INVOICE" turned "ON", then when you have created a repair invoice, the ENTER BILLS screen will open next to allow the user to enter the repair bill from the manufacturer. If you create a vendor invoice for the repair and it is inaccurate but the client's Repair invoice is OK, you can go to Inventory Bills, find the bill and edit it. You can do this up until the point where you Export Purchase Transactions.
Click PRINT or CONTINUE to save and continue.
If your clinic is configured with the option to EMAIL your patients their invoice, a new window will be presented offering the option to print to PDF, EMAIL or BOTH. Only customer facing documents such as the HA INVOICE or the BALANCE OWING INVOICE can be emailed to a patient. The 3rd Party Funder or Funder Form copies of the invoice ca not be emailed to a patient. When printing or emailing multiple document, forms and 3rd Party Funder invoices will still print to PDF.