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Hearing Aid Status Codes

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Hearing Aid Status Codes allows users to define status codes which can later be assigned to items within PATIENT INFORMATION under HEARING AID HISTORY. These Hearing Aid Status Codes can also be applied automatically to aids that have been returned on an invoice or repaired via your configuration within Document Parameters (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > DOCUMENT PARAMETERS.)


To add a new Hearing Aid Status Code, click ADD. To edit an existing Hearing Aid Status Code click CHANGE. To delete an existing Hearing Aid Status Code, click DELETE.

The screen prompts are:


CODE: The Hearing Aid Status Code is a unique identifying code and description.


DESCRIPTION: If the status shows that the aid is currently in use by a patient, check the "In Use By Patient" box.


IN USE BY PATIENT: If this flag is checked, it means that Hearing Aids with this status code should be considered as in use, and cannot be deleted. In Use By Patient also controls whether the aids display in the summary section of the Patient file. For example, if the latest left and right aids sold to a customer have been returned, the hearing aid status code should be updated to a code that is by default "not in use by patient" so that the returned aids no longer appear on this patient's summary tab as the most current aids being worn.


INACTIVE: To make a Hearing Aid Status inactive/unavailable, check the "Inactive" box. This is used to retire any status codes which are no longer eligible to be assigned to a Hearing Aid History.


Once the Hearing Aid Status Codes are entered, users can associate them as needed to Patients via Hearing Aid History from within PATIENT INFORMATION.


Click SAVE to store changes. Click EXIT to close the window.