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Document Parameters

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Clinics can select from many business parameters regarding sales documents.


The screen prompts are:


ENABLE POS RECEIPT PRINTING - If this check box is checked, all cash receipts (balance owing version invoices) will be routed to your local POS Receipt Printing.


DOCUMENT NUMBER OF COPIES - Enter the default number of copies that will print when forms are printed.


DOCUMENT QUOTATION DEFAULT - Check this box if the ENTERING INVOICES/ QUOTES screen is to always default to a QUOTATION.

DOCUMENT HEARING AID SALE DEFAULT - Check this box if the ENTERING INVOICES/ QUOTATION screen is to always default to a Hearing Aid Sale.

RESET DOCUMENT DATE UPON QUOTE CONVERT - Check this box if  the document date is to reset to the current date when converting a quote into an invoice.

PRINT EXTENSIONS ON QUOTES - If this box is checked, extended prices will print for each individual line item on quotations. When unchecked, individual prices will not print; only the total quote amount will print.

PRINT EXTENSIONS ON INVOICES - If this box is checked, extended prices will print for each individual line item on invoices. When unchecked, individual prices will not print; only the total invoice amount will print.


FULL PAYMENT REQUIRES ON FTINVOICES - If this box is checked, users will be forced to take full payment on Fast-Track invoices. If this box is not selected, partial payments will be accepted on Fast-Track invoices.

INCLUDE MANUFACTURER IN PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - If this box is checked, the product manufacturer will be added to the product description on all invoices, orders and repairs.

REASON CODE ON CREDIT INVOICES - Check this box if you would like to prompt users.  If you want to prompt for a reason code on credit invoices, then you will have to set up the reason codes under MAINTAIN CREDIT REASONS in the SALES, REPAIRS and ORDERS menu.

REASON CODE ON CREDIT ORDERS - Check this box if you would like to prompt users for a reason when they create a zero dollar or return order. If you want to prompt for a reason code on credit orders, then you will have to set up the reason codes under MAINTAIN CREDIT REASONS in the SALES, REPAIRS and ORDERS menu.

PROMPT FOR RETURN ORDER ON RETURN INVOICE - Check this box if after returning an invoice (which contains a serialized product) users should be prompted to create a RETURN ORDER. When enabled, after completing the return of an invoice (with a serialized product) the user will be asked whether they wish to create a RETURN ORDER. If the user indicates YES they will be prompted to confirm the products to include on the RETURN ORDER (non-stock products will be ignored).

ENABLE SIGNATURE CAPTURE - (Only available to clinics configured with the WACOM 430 V/G digital signature capture unit. See Signature Capture Set Up.) Check this field to turn on signature capture functionality and in box to the right indicate how many seconds the database should wait for a signature to be uploaded prior to canceling or abandoning the signing session. (If left blank, the default time of 12 seconds will be applied.)

DEFAULT FUNDING REFERENCE # - Check this box to default a funding or insurance case reference number in the funder entry field within Invoices and Quotes based on the patient file. For example, if the funding source on the invoice matches what the patient has as a funder or insurance company, the funder number/ insurance case number on the patient file will appear within the funding window of an invoice under REFERENCE #.

SCREENER OPTIONS - If your clinic is integrated to our Listo product which brings leads and their hearing test results into Manage, then this window will allow the configuration how the terminology will appear on a Screener Report.

SWEDISH ROUNDING - Swedish rounding can be applied to all Fast-Track Invoices, regular Invoices and HSP claims. To set up Swedish Rounding, select the amount of rounding to be applied to all sales documents. If no rounding is to be applied, then select NO ROUNDING. * To enable this Rounding feature, specify the General Ledger account you wish to use for Rounding postings (within the Export Setup option, within Accounts Receivable - Daily Close 2 - Export Cash Transactions). Users can be given permission to edit Rounding Amounts within the Application Users menu option. If a user has permission to edit Rounding Amounts, then a maximum edit of $0.99 or $-0.99 is allowed.

SUMMARIZE HEARING AID PRICING ON INVOICE PRINT - Check this option to indicate that printed invoices should show hearing aids grouped together by "Left" and "Right" and only show a total summary price for the total of all hearing aids and options (marked as PRODUCT TYPE "Hearing Aid").

SUMMARY DESCRIPTION - Indicate the description of the totals relating to the hearing aid products on this invoice. (For example: "Total Solution" or "Hearing Aid Total".)

ACCOUNT INQUIRY VIEWS - There are three information options displayed when a user accesses the Account Inquiry option:

1 - Company Wide: Allows any user to see all details for any account, (despite the user's location permissions)  including all locations for patient invoices.

2 - User Locations: Respects the locations assigned to the user in their setup; also allows the user to see Account Inquiry details only for patients belonging in the location for which that user has permission to access and view.

3 - Patient Detail: Respects the user setup and allows users to see patients that are flagged as belonging to a location that the user has permissions to see. This option displays all invoices (regardless of which location generated the invoice), if the user has permission to see the location to which the patient belongs.

CURRENCY SYMBOL - This field is a free-form input designed to allow users to enter the currency symbol for their country. It will print on Invoices and Quotes, Orders, Repairs, and Payment Statements.


SUPPRESS CLIENT ADDRESS ON REPAIR FORMS - This prompt is used to control if patient address data is being sent out on the repair form. Checking this option will suppress the patient/client address information on a repair form.


COMPANY ADDRESS OPTIONS - From the available options, select whether your clinic uses pre-printed letterhead for forms or if you would like your logo to appear on all forms.  Alternatively, indicate if you would like to print your address on forms as it appears on this screen. If there is a logo file you wish to add to documents, please contact Auditdata (Client Services Department).

SHOW PATIENT INFO ON INVOICE – When this option is checked, a window will open (when adding invoices) which will show patient funding information and battery size. This setting is ignored when entering Fast-Track invoices.

DEFAULT DELIVERY DATE TO DOCUMENT DATE – When checked, the delivery date on invoices and quotes will automatically default to the document date. When unchecked, the delivery date will remain empty until specified by the user.

OVERRIDE EXTENDED PRICE – When checked, users will be able to override the Extended Price on items during document entry. (This is not applicable to FAST TRACK INVOICES.) When unchecked, users will not be able to override the Extended Price during document entry. (Most of the time QUANTITY x UNIT PRICE = EXTENDED PRICE; however, changing the Extended Price may be necessary. Example: an item may sell for $0.43 each or 3 for $1.00 – where the user had to override the EXTENDED AMOUNT with $1.00 to achieve the special price).

OVERRIDE UNIT PRICE - When checked, users will be able to override the Unit Price on items during document entry.  

OVERRIDE REPAIR AMOUNT - When checked, users will be able to override a repair amount on a repair invoice.

ISSUE SERIAL NUMBERS ON RETURN ORDER - When this is checked, a serial number will be required when entering a Return Order (Credit Order.)

FILTER SERIAL NUMBER RESULTS - When checked, a user selecting serial numbers for a sale will only be presented serial numbers either associated to the selected patient through receiving or have no patient associated to the serial number for the current QUOTE/INVOICE LOCATION. When unchecked, all available serial number FOR THE INVOICE LOCATION no matter which patient they may have been received for will appear in invoice serial number search results. Note this functionality ONLY applies to INVOICES and does not apply to ORDERS..

UPDATE ORDER RECEIVING QUANTITY - When checked, inventory quantities will be updated on each product file.

STOCK TAKE OPTIONS - Theellipsis button  button will open a window where clinics can select options relating to how stock takes will be completed.

INCLUDE ON HAND QUANTITY - When running stock take report, indicate with here if you wish to see the current ON HAND QTY appear on the report

CONSIDER ON LOAN IN STOCK - Check this field if you wish for "loaners" or "trial aids" to appear as in stock when they are assigned to a patient.

ENABLE BLIND STOCK TAKE - Check this field to indicate that users will record every item which is in stock without knowing what the system currently has recorded as in stock. (Beware turning Blind Stock Take on as it requires that you enter your stock figures for each and every product in your database. For example, if you have a rarely used size battery, and you do not post that you some stock and you post the Blind Stock Take the inventory count will be set to ZERO due to the fact that zero was recorded. If you have questions on whether or not Blind Stock Take is a good fit for your organization, please contact an Auditdata representative to discuss it in greater detail.)

SERIALIZED TOLERANCE VALUE - Clinics can indicate that variances up to a maximum value will be allowed when posting stock take. For example, if the serialized tolerance value is set to 2, this means discrepancies of more then 2 serial numbers will not be allowed. Users can have security role permissions set within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > Security Roles for "OVERRIDE STOCK TAKE SUBMISSION" should a variance be recorded that is higher then the tolerance indicated here.

NON-SERIALIZED TOLERANCE % - Clinics can indicate that variances up to a maximum percentage will allowed when posting stock take. For example, if the non-serialized tolerance value is set to 10, this means discrepancies of more then 10% will not be allowed. Users can have security role permissions set within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > Security Roles for "OVERRIDE STOCK TAKE SUBMISSION" should a variance be recorded that is higher then the tolerance indicated here.

EMAIL ADDRESS - Enter the email addresses of those who should receive an email indicating the results of stock takes. The email will include location, user who submitted the stock take, date and time submitted and the result of the stock take.

Click OK to return to the previous screen.

ENABLE MEDICARE PROCESSING - Clicking this option activates the Medicare processing. (This option is only available to Australian Clinics.)

MANDATORY INPUT FIELDS - The ellipsis button  button will open a window where clinics can select fields which are to be mandatory for users within PATIENT INFORMATION, PATIENT LEAD INFORMATION, PHYSICIAN, APPOINTMENT DETAILS, INVOICES & QUOTES, ORDERS, REPAIRS, BILLS, and HSP CLAIMS.

Check the fields that will be mandatory within each menu option. When checked, users will not be able to store a lead, patient, appointment, invoice, HSP Claim (Australia Only), Order, Repair or Bill without the information that has been flagged as mandatory. Users will be prompted that not all mandatory fields have been completed.

RETURN INVOICE X-APPLY METHOD - Selecting a payment method to use for Return Invoice X-Apply will prompt and enforce that a user must return the patient portion of funds paid back to the patient when returning an invoice. The "X-APPLY" (or Cross Apply) will automatically cross-apply the original invoice balance to the credit invoice balance (previously returned to the patient) to clean up the account activity. Turning on this X-Apply functionality will also automatically apply the original funding balance to the credit funding balance to clean up the account activity. (Unless the funding amount has since has been paid.)

RETURN INVOICE HEARING AID STATUS - Select which of your available Hearing Aid Status Codes should be automatically applied to serial numbers on hearing aids that have been returned. Hearing Aid Status Codes are maintained within Hearing Aid Status Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > HEARING AID STATUS CODES.)

REPAIR HEARING AID STATUS - Select which of your available Hearing Aid Status Codes should be automatically applied to hearing aids that have had their serial number changed due to a repair. Hearing Aid Status Codes are maintained within Hearing Aid Status Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > HEARING AID STATUS CODES.)

NDIS PRICE LIST - (Australian clinics only) Associate which of your available Product Price List Codes will be consider the NDIS price list.

USE RECEIVING DATE FOR SERIALIZED WARRANTY - When this prompt is checked, the Warranty and L&D Warranty dates for each serial number received will be calculated based on the PRODUCT INFORMATION warranty configuration and auto applied to each serial number based on the RECEIVE ORDER screen's "INVOICE DATE" field when receiving the order. If this parameter is NOT checked, an invoice will use the INVOICE DATE to calculate serialized products warranty on a regular invoice, and use the CLAIM DATE when calculating the warranty date for a serialized product on an HSP CLAIM (Australia Only).

SPECIALIST SEARCH TO MATCH DOCUMENT LOC - When this is checked, the SPECIALISTS offered in the selection window of a document (Invoices and Quotes, Repairs and Orders) will limit the SPECIALISTS available to on only SPECIALISTS assigned to the documents selected location (within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SCHEDULING > Specialists). When this is unchecked, users will be able to select ANY specialist regardless of their locations they are associated to.

FUNDER PAYMENTS TO INVOICE LOCATION - When checked, receiving a funder payment within RECEIVE PAYMENTS will post the payment to the invoice location regardless of the payment location defined.

KLEBER DATA TOOLS KEY - If your clinic is in Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand and subscribe to the KLEBER address validation tool, you can enter your subscription key here. When enabled, the PATIENT INFORMATION and PATIENT LEAD INFORMATION screens display a magnifying glass icon on the ADDRESS field where you can do an address search and locate the proper address validation. For more information or to subscribe to Kleber Data Tools check out .

Click SAVE to store changes. Click EXIT to close the window.