Navigation:  System Menu > Configure System Settings > Scheduling >


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This option allows users to set up the Hearing Specialists within the clinic. These can then be assigned to patients within the Patient Information screen and be scheduled in the appointment scheduler for the locations as assigned.

ADD a new Specialist by clicking ADD.

NAME SEARCH - Do a quick search of any specialist that is either active or inactive.


The screen prompts are:


NAME - Enter the name of the specialist as it is to appear within the appointment scheduler.

NUMBER - Specialist number may be entered here and will print on invoices. Australian users can 'window in' to this number field to enter assigned Medicare, Workcover and NDIS numbers for your specialists as well. Press enter to skip this field. (Note if in Australia, a DEFAULT NDIS NUMBER is available at the top of the screen which will print on 3rd Party Invoices for a location that doesn't have a location NDIS number specified for this specialist.)

PHONE NUMBER - Enter a contact telephone number for this Specialist.

COLOR - Click the window button to open the color window. Once opened, click on the color button to select the color that will represent this Specialist on the appointment scheduler. Click CONTINUE once the desired color has been selected.

VALIDATE - This allows users to specify that certain specialists are only able to perform certain types of  appointments. To validate a specialist, select the types of appointments this specialist can complete on the appointment scheduler. The appointment types available can be selected in the next field.

REASONS - To validate that a specific specialist can only complete certain types of appointments, click the window ( ellipsis button )  button to choose the types of applicable appointments.

LOCATIONS - Indicate the locations at which this specialist will be taking appointments. This allows any user (with permission to access a location within the scheduler) to also access a specialist associated to that same location. If you add a specialist and do not allocate which location they see patients at, the specialist will not appear in the appointment scheduler. (Note that the parameter CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > DOCUMENT PARAMETERS - SPECIALIST SEARCH TO MATCH DOCUMENT LOCATION is turned ON, then it is important to reference the location(s)

If the EXP/CON icon is pressed, more information per specialist will appear.

NPI NUMBER - Appears for American Clinics and is necessary to enable HCFA claiming.

EMAIL ADDRESS -  Enter an address for this specialist.

SIGNATURE IMAGE - A signature can be associated to each Specialist, which will print on a patient audiogram if configured. Use the search icon to locate the image file on your PC and associate it to this specialist. (Note the image size for a signature should be limited to a ratio of 2:1.)

NO NOTIFICATIONS - Check this field to indicate that appointments assigned to this specialist should not generate Patient Notifications (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > PATIENT NOTIFICATIONS.)

INACTIVE - Mark this specialist "inactive" to prevent them from being shown in respective drop-down lists.

Click the COPY icon if you wish to create a new specialist with the exact settings as another previously created specialist. Choose the specialist you wish to copy the details from, and enter the name of the specialist you wish to copy the same details to and their email address.


Click SAVE to store changes. Press EXIT to exit the window.