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Battery Club Tiers

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Battery Club Tiers can be designed to automate discounts relating to Battery Club promotions. Here you configure the names/ descriptions of the Battery Club Tiers you wish to offer. Then later, within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > Product Categories clinics design which Product Categories trigger the discounts and which Product Categories will respect the discount and by how much.


The screen prompts are:


TIER - Give each tier a 5 digit alpha numeric unique code.


DESCRIPTION - Give each tier a description that represents it's battery club discount.


NO MEMBERSHIP - Only check this NO MEMBERSHIP box if you wish to indicate that this tier is not available to apply within a PRODUCT CATEGORY. Selecting NO MEMBERSHIP will make this tier unavailable within any PRODUCT CATEGORY assignment and it will only be available within PATIENT INFORMATION > ADDITIONAL INFORMATION > BATTERY TIER CLUB as an option to indicate that a patient has no membership within a BATTERY CLUB TIER.


Click SAVE to store changes.

Click EXIT to close the window.


Important Battery Club Tier Information:

* Battery Club Tier discounts will only be applied to Invoices. This means that Battery Club Tier discounts will not be applied to Quotes.

* If a product within PRODUCT INFORMATION has been set as "ALLOW DISCOUNT = NO" and belongs to a PRODUCT CATEGORY that includes Battery Club Tier discounting, then this product will NOT get a Battery Club Tier discount when added to an invoice.

* Battery Club Tier discounts are calculated on UNIT PRICE, so if a UNIT PRICE is $1000 and a Battery Club Tier discount is 10%, the discount will be $100.

* Regular PRICE LIST discounts will override Battery Club Tier discounts. For example, if you have a product with a UNIT PRICE of $1000, but select a PRICE LIST that makes the extended price $2000, then the Battery Club discount will be applied to the product's UNIT price, So in this example a product with a UNIT PRICE of $1000, sold on an invoice using a PRICE LIST making it $2000 will give a Battery Club Tier discount of 10% a $100 discount which produces an EXTENDED PRICE of $1900 which equals only a 5% discount off the EXTENDED PRICE. Since a regular PRICE LIST override a Battery Club Discount, this example would not show as a Battery Club Discount on the DISCOUNTS REPORT.

* Items added from SSL's (Suggested Sales Lists that are configured within PRODUCT INFORMATION on a product will NOT respect Battery Club Tier discounting. Instead items added to an invoice will use the SSL discount percentage configured on the SUGGESTED SALES LIST screen for a product.

* Changing the date of an Invoice will prompt the user about recalculating the prices. This is important due to expiry dates on Battery Club Tier discounts and the possibility of changing the date of an invoice to a date after a Battery Club Tier discount has expired and ensuring the removal of a Battery Club Tier discount should it be expired.

* If an invoice includes a Battery Club discount will print the Battery Club Tier and expiry on the Standard HA INVOICE and BALANCE OWING INVOICE under the product that has the Battery Club Tier discount.

* If a product originally sold to a patient qualifying them for a Battery Club Tier discount, and later that product is returned, the patient will have their Battery Club Tier removed from their patient file and they will no longer receive the Battery Club Tier discount as it is no longer valid.