The ENTER INVOICES option within the Sales, Repairs and Orders menu allows users to ADD, EDIT, and REVERSE invoices and quotes.
To add new documents, click the ADD icon. The system will automatically assign the next document number.
To view or edit an existing document, find the document using the search icon or enter the document number. Click the button to search for an existing document by patient. (Note if an invoice has been exported to your accounting system, a view-only presentation of the invoice will be displayed.)
The screen prompts are:
DOCUMENT NUMBER - Type the document number or press Enter to accept the automatically assigned document number.
DOCUMENT DATE - Press Enter to accept todays date (or type in the preferred date). Note that if your clinic has Battery Club Tiers configured then this invoice date is very important regarding Battery Club Tiers and calculating their expiry dates. If changing this date you may be prompted an option to recalculate pricing relating to Battery Club Tiers.
DELIVERY DATE - Type the delivery date or click the calendar icon to search for a specific date. The DELIVERY DATE can be set up as todays date being the default date In CLINIC INFORMATION under the DOCUMENT PARAMETERS. A user can also disallow (under CLINIC PARAMETERS) the aging of non-delivered invoices (or those invoices where the delivery date is blank.) This indicates that an invoice should not be considered due until it has been delivered. (Note that since invoices posted through the daily close process are not editable, please make sure this date is correct and not left blank. The delivery date is used on the Non-Delivered Invoice Report.)
LOCATION - From the drop-down list, select the location for which the document is to be entered. If your user id has been set up to NOT prompt for location, this field will be disabled. Locations that appear as based on your APPLICATION USER settings.
QUOTATION - When this box is checked, the document is considered a Quotation and not a Sale. To make this document an INVOICE, remove the check box.
After completing the quotation, it can be converted to an invoice by UN checking this field. When the original quotation document is recalled, the details of the quotation will appear.
HEARING AID SALE - When checked, the document is treated as a hearing aid sale. This will allow the user to run reports on hearing aid sales as well as track hearing aids sold to a patient. If this Hearing Aid Sale flag is not enabled, a product marked as a Hearing Aid within the product file (within PRODUCT INFORMATION) will automatically flag the sale as a Hearing Aid Sale. Alternatively, if you indicate the sale is a Hearing Aid Sale, and the invoice is saved without a product marked as a Hearing Aid (within PRODUCT INFORMATION, then the document will automatically remove the Hearing Aid Sale flag.
REPLACEMENT - When checked this document is treated as a replacement sale. Product Categories can be configured to auto apply "replacement discounts" and those specified discounts will be applied only on invoices that are flagged as "Replacement" invoices.
PATIENT NUMBER - Enter a patient number or click the button to search for a specific patient. Alternatively, search for a patient quickly by entering the first few characters of their last name in the patient number field and pressing ENTER. (After selecting a patient, the patient's ADDRESS/HOME/WORK/MOBILE PHONE contact numbers will auto populate.)
MEDICARE - Australian clinics will see the Medicare information option. If checked, this option allows Australian clinics to indicate that this invoice is fully funded by Medicare. Enter the Medicare details by clicking the gear/cog symbol to enter the Medicare details.
The screen prompts for the Australian Medicare Information window are:
MEDICARE BATCH NUMBER - If this Medicare invoice has been submitted in a Medicare Batch via Simply Hearing, that batch number will appear here.
MEDICARE NUMBER - The patient's Medicare number will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate this Medicare Number. The patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
CARD POSITION - The patient's Medicare Card Position will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Card Position and the patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
EXPIRY DATE - The patient's Medicare Expiry Date will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Expiry Date. The patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
MEDICARE REFERRAL WRITTEN DATE - The patient's Medicare Referral Written Date will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Medicare Referral Written Date. The patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
MEDICARE REFERRAL START DATE - The patient's Medicare Referral Start Date will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Medicare Referral Start Date. The patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
MEDICARE REFERRAL END DATE - The patient's Medicare Referral End Date will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. Otherwise, select the appropriate end Medicare Referral End Date.
REQUESTING SPECIALIST - The patient's Requesting Specialist will populate here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Requesting Specialist. The patient's "Patient Information Screen" will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
REFERRING PHYSICIAN - The patient's Referring Physician will appear here, if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen. If this field is blank, users can populate the Referring Physician. The patient's "Patient Information Screen" will be automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice. (The * symbol designates this as a mandatory field for Medicare Invoices.)
MEDICARE NUMBER - Select which Medicare Number is to be used for this Referring Physician. Physician's Medicare Numbers that appear here are managed within Physicians (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > PHYSICIANS.) The * symbol designates this as a mandatory field for Medicare Invoices.
REQUESTING PHYSICIAN - The patient's Requesting Physician will appear here (if previously stored on the patient's "Patient Information" screen). If this field is blank, users can populate the Requesting Physician. The patient's "Patient Information" screen will automatically be updated with this information after storing this invoice.
MEDICARE NUMBER - Select which Medicare Number is to be used for this requesting physician. Physician's Medicare Numbers that appear here are managed within Physicians (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > PHYSICIANS.)
SERVICE DATE - Enter the Service Date to be used on this Medicare Invoice. Today's date will populate by default, but the date is editable. The * symbol designates this as a mandatory field for Medicare Invoices.
By indicating this invoice is a fully funded Medicare invoice (with a check mark), the PRINT function later becomes an option to print the Medicare invoice (containing all the necessary Medicare information). NOTE: If this invoice is re-printed AFTER the patient's Medicare Information has changed on their "Patient Information" screen, this invoice re-print WILL print the Medicare information as it was when the invoice was originally created/stored.
Lastly, to fully enable the Medicare processing, make sure to add the Funder "MEDICARE" for 100% of the invoice funding. If the Funder "MEDICARE" is not on the invoice as paying 100% of the balance, the Medicare print option will not appear for the user when printing. (See more info below under the FUNDER AMOUNT topic.)
Closing this window will return you to the previous screen.
SPECIALIST - Select the desired specialist from the drop-down list. When adding a new document, this will default to the patient's assigned specialist from the PATIENT INFORMATION screen. (This is useful at a later point when tracking sales by specialist.)
PRICE LIST - Select the applicable price list for this invoice from the drop-down list. Price lists can be set up under the Inventory Menu within Product Price List Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > PRODUCT PRICE LIST CODES) then itemized per product within the PRODUCTION INFORMATION file. Alternatively, if a Default Price List has been associated to the selected patient previously within PATIENT INFORMATION, then that patients associated Price List will auto populated here. If the Price List is edited after adding products to the invoice or the location of an invoice has been changed, a prompt asking the user if a recalculation of the pricing is required will appear. If "Y" or yes is entered at this prompt, the system will update the unit prices accordingly. Note that if your clinic is configured to use Battery Club Tiers then it is important to note that PRICE LIST overrides Battery Club Tier discounts.
REFERRAL SOURCE - Type in the referral source for this sale or select one from the drop-down list. When adding a new document, this will default to the patients assigned referral source from the PATIENT INFORMATION screen. (This is useful at a later point when tracking sales by referral source.)
APPOINTMENT - An appointment for this patient can be selected and tied to this invoice by clicking the
icon to see a list of appointments. From the list of appointments, users have the option to highlight and select which appointment should be tied to this invoice. After assigning an appointment to this invoice, you can view the appointment by clicking the
icon. This appointment information will be stored and can be displayed at any time. This information is also tracked on the Appointment Booking Report (REPORTS & INQUIRIES > MARKETING & CRM > APPOINTMENT BOOKING REPORT) when exported to Excel. NOTE: If the original appointment is edited or changed after associating it to an invoice, the invoice will not be updated with the new appointment details.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Additional information regarding the invoice can be stored here.
DEFAULTWARRANTY DATE - A warranty date entered here will be applied to all products on this invoice that do not have a defined warranty period associated to the product file. Warranty dates can also be assigned individually on each product detail line using the EXP/CON button.
DEFAULT L&D WARRANTY DATE - A default loss and damage warranty date can be entered here and applied to all products on this invoice that do not have a defined warranty period associated to the product file. L&D warranty dates can be also assigned individually on each product detail line using the EXP/CON button as well.
AUTHORIZATION NUMBER - Enter the claim authorization number in this field. The Authorization Number will print on your 3rd party invoice.VAC PRESCRIBER CODE - (Canada only.) If the hearing aid is being funded by Veteran Affairs Canada, enter the appropriate prescriber code in this field. Valid entries are CA and MD.
RETURN DATE - If the document is being entered as a return, enter the return date in this info field.
RETURN CLOSED - Put a check in this check box if no follow-up is required for the return.
Click OK to close this window and return to the previous screen.
*NOTE depending on where your clinic is located, you may be prompted for more PATIENT INFORMATION before being allowed to save or continue. This information window can be turned on or off as needed in the CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM under DOCUMENT PARAMETERS.
Press the ENTER key to launch the product details grid.
Once you are in the PRODUCT DETAILS grid, additional icons become available such as:
ADD - which adds a product to the invoice
CHANGE - which indicates you wish to change a product line
DELETE - which deletes a selected product line
INSERT - which inserts a product line between selected existing product lines
EXP/CON - which expands or contracts a product line to show or hide more product details.
SIDE - From the drop-down list, select the appropriate side (left vs. right.) If defining a Hearing Aid product with a Left or a Right, the system will ask (after storing the device) the user if the Patient Information file with the Battery size information listed on the associated product file should be updated. The system will only ask you if you wish to update the patient battery size if the information was previously NOT stored OR if it has changed. To see the battery size associated to this product, click the EXP/CON button on the appropriate detail line.
PRODUCT - Enter the product number for the item being sold or click SEARCH button to search for an item by description. Alternatively, you can search for a product by entering the first few characters of the product description in the product number field, and pressing ENTER. (Note: If using a bar code scanner, scan the bar code while the cursor is in this field. The associated product number to the scanned bar code will populate. (Note; when using a scanning device, make sure that the device setting "carriage return" or "line feed" has been turned ON. This allows the assumption of the ENTER KEY to be applied after scanning a bar code.) If you cannot find the product you are searching for, you may need to add it to your Product Information (INVENTORY > PRODUCT INFORMATION) database in order for it to appear as a product to select here.
T (TAXES) - Click the button to view or specify any taxes that are being charged.
DESCRIPTION - The description of the product selected will auto populate.
SERIAL NUMBER - If tracking serialized products, use the drop-down menu to select the correct serial number associated to this patient. (This window will only display serial numbers that have been received in Simply Hearing.) If not tracking serialized products, enter the serial number of the hearing aid being sold. If you are viewing a previously created invoice that has had a serial number replaced by a REPAIR, then the word EXCHANGED will appear here with a drill down option to view the serial number exchange details.
QTY - Enter the quantity being sold or quoted.
UNIT PRICE - The unit price will automatically display. If the unit price is incorrect, override the amount with the correct amount.
If the product is a hearing aid, and device options have been configured for this product, the DEVICE OPTIONS window will open. (Note the DEVICE OPTIONS window only opens automatically when adding the product the first time in ADD mode. After that users must click on the ellipsis to open the DEVICE OPTIONS window.) This will allow the user to select any device options as needed. Some device options for a product may add charges to the product hence the UNIT PRICE may increase. Discounts will then apply to the device options selected as well.
% - Click the ... box to enter a discount in percentage, as an Extended Price or as an Extended Price Including Tax. The Extended Price Including Tax will use the previously assigned Tax on this product line. (To use the discount percentage feature, you must first set up Application User discount permissions and Product Information discount permissions.) Note that if your clinic is configured to use Battery Club Tiers that the discount shown here may be attributed to a patient having a valid and non expire Battery Club Tier. Battery Club Tier discounts are always applied to the UNIT PRICE.
EXTENDED PRICE - The extended price will automatically calculate and display based on Quantity x Unit Price - Discount, before applicable taxes.
Once you are in the product details of the invoice, you can access other icons at the top of the screen:
The CHANGE icon can be selected on a product detail line to edit the product. (Note the only field that cannot be edited is the PRODUCT itself. If you require a different PRODUCT NUMBER then you will need to delete the entire product sequence line and press the ADD icon to add the correct product.)
The DELETE icon can be used to delete a line item. Highlight the sequence line for the product you wish to delete and press the DELETE icon. To delete multiple product line items, highlight each line item while holding your SHIFT key and then when all items are highlighted, press the DELETE icon.
The INSERT icon allows you to insert a sequence line for a product in between two existing product sequence lines.
The EXPAND/CONTRACT icon allows access to additional product information for any product on an invoice. The fields available within the expanded view are:
BATTERY SIZE - If this product has had a battery size identified at the product level (within PRODUCT INFORMATION), the battery size will auto populate here. The battery size value can also be selected if it didn't populate automatically.
VENDOR -To indicate a vendor for this product, select the vendor from the drop down list.
INVOICE NUMBER -To indicate a vendor invoice number for this product, type that vendor invoice number here.
DELIVERY DATE - To record a delivery date for this product, enter that delivery date here.
WARRANTY DATE - If the product is identified as a "serialized" at the product level (within PRODUCT INFORMATION), and the product has been set up with a default warranty period (in months,) the warranty will auto populate here based on the Document Date of this invoice. This date can be edited manually if required. If a product has a defined warranty period in the product file, then the specified warranty period will always be applied on the individual product line (visible using the EXP/CON button.) If a warranty date is populated based on the product file, the warranty date will change automatically as the invoice date is edited as well.
COST -To indicate a product cost, enter that product cost here. This information is FYI only and will not affect the product file within PRODUCT INFORMATION or any receiving or billing information associated to this product.
TAX 1 -To indicate a taxable amount for this product, enter that TAX 1 amount here. This information is FYI only and will not affect the product file within PRODUCT INFORMATION or any receiving or billing information associated to this product.
TAX 2 -To indicate a taxable amount regarding this product, enter that TAX 2 amount here. This information is FYI only and will not affect the product file within PRODUCT INFORMATION or any receiving or billing information associated to this product.
SHIPPING COST - To record a shipping charge amount to this product, enter that shipping cost here. This information is FYI only and will not affect any payable's for this product.
TAX 1 - To indicate a taxable amount regarding the shipping for this product, enter that TAX 1 amount here. This information is FYI only and will not affect the product file within PRODUCT INFORMATION or any receiving or billing information associated to this product.
TAX 2 - If you would like to indicate a taxable amount regarding the shipping for this product, enter that TAX 2 amount here. This information is FYI only and will not affect the product file within PRODUCT INFORMATION or any receiving or billing information associated to this product.
The RETURN icon can return an entire invoice by generating mirror image credit invoice that credits each item that was on the original invoice. The RETURN icon can only be accessed when the user first opens the invoice and is still in the header of the invoice details. Once a user progresses to the product details, the RETURN icon will no longer be available to select.
The NOTES icon allows users to add notes to the invoice. Notes appear near the top of the document when printed. **Notes entered on a document that is a quote, will be viewable/editable when the quote is converted to an invoice. Also, when a document is reversed, the reversal document will have the NOTE appended to include the "original invoice" information.
Click CONTINUE to save and continue.
A new INVOICE/QUOTE TOTALS window will appear. Users can now view tax information, enter third party funding amounts, payments or deposits.
The TOTAL DISCOUNTS field will display the dollar total of all discounts applied.
The SUBTOTAL field will auto-populate based on the previously entered products.
The TAX AMOUNT field will show the taxes applied based on the previously entered products. Click the button to view the TAX INFORMATION window. Each tax code applied to the invoice (based on the product categories applied on the invoice) will be presented as a line item showing the tax percentage (as per Tax Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING AR/AP > TAX CODES) the taxable amount (portion of the sale tax is calculated on) and tax amount (total for that tax code payable.)
(Note - UK clinics will show a Taxable Amount that includes the product cost plus their clinic assigned Tax On Cost Pad.)
FUNDING AMOUNT - Click the button to select a third party funding amount for this document.
Click ADD to select a new funding source to add for this invoice.
FUNDING SOURCE - Select the funding source (co payer) from the drop down list.
REFERENCE NUMBER - Enter a reference number if applicable (IE: Application authorization number.)
AMOUNT - Ensure the amount field is correct as it will effect the patient balance due.
STATUS - If the Funder selected has been configured with available "Funder Status" options, those can be applied here.
FUNDING STATUS - From the available list, select a Funder Status for this document. (The list options are managed within Funding Sources (Co Payers) (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > FUNDING SOURCES (CO-PAYERS).
REASON - From the available list, select a Reason for this Funder Status on this document. (The list options are managed within Funding Sources (Co Payers) (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > FUNDING SOURCES (CO-PAYERS)).
COMMENT - Enter a comment or note to support the Funder Status on this document.
And audit trail of changes to the Funder Status will appear in the list below showing when statuses were changed.
Click the EXCEL button to export this audit trail of Funder Status changes to excel.
Press CONTINUE to save and close Funder changes. Press CONTINUE again to close the Funding Amounts window and return to the invoice.
Other Funding Sources Notes:
1) When New Zealand clinics select ACC as the Funder, special ACC Price Matrix figures will populate based on the MAINTAIN ACC PRICE MATRIX setup. For New Zealand clinics, please see our ACC Matrix setup within our INVENTORY menu. For more information on New Zealand ACC Matrix invoices, please see the bottom of this page.
2) When clinics in the United States have AllWell Financing integration set up, another button called "FINANCE" appears. Clinics with this integration enabled will be able to use the FINANCE button to deploy the AllWell credit application web form from Invoices and Repairs. After AllWell credit approval has been granted, users will return to this FUNDER window and add AllWell as a Funder on the Invoice or Repair for the credit amount approved. This will change the patient balance due to be the AllWell Funder balance due.
If a Funding Source is added to an invoice but has a ZERO amount payable, the Funder will be removed upon saving the invoice. This means if you wish to delete a funding source, edit the funding amount to ZERO then save the invoice and re-open it. This will delete the Funder. If the invoice totals change on the invoice after a Funding Source has been added with 100% funding, then the amount that the Funder pays will be automatically adjusted to be 100% of the new total. (**Note; to enable the Medicare processing, make sure to add the Funder MEDICARE for 100% of the invoice funding.)
Press CONTINUE to close this window.
PAYMENT AMOUNT- Click the button to add payment amounts. An INVOICE PAYMENT AMOUNT window will appear in which payment details can be entered. The balance due can also be reviewed here. Click ADD to enter various payments and methods as needed. Click CONTINUE to save and close this window and return to the previous invoice screen. (If the document is entered as a quotation, entering a payment will not be permitted at this point.)
DEPOSIT AMOUNT- Click the button to add deposit amounts. Click ADD to enter various payments and methods as needed. Click CONTINUE to save and close this window and return to the previous invoice screen.
DEPOSIT DATE - Record the date of the deposit.
DEPOSIT REFERENCE - To record a check number or authorization number as a reference, enter that number here.
DEPOSIT METHOD - Select the method payment from the drop-down list.
AMOUNT - The amount of the this deposit is entered here.
Press CONTINUE to close this window and return to the previous screen.
NOTES - Click the button to enter any additional details notes. Notes appear near the top of the document when printed.
CONVERT QUOTE TO ORDER - (This only appears on documents flagged as a Quote and the user has permissions to the "Convert Quote to Orders" menu option.) When this "Convert Quote to Order" flag is checked and the quotation is saved, the system will automatically redirect the user to the CONVERT QUOTE TO ORDER screen (if the user has permissions to the "Convert Quote to Order" menu option.)
RETURN - Click the RETURN button to return to the previous Invoice screen.
PRINT - Select which type of document to print:
HA INVOICE/QUOTE - Prints the standard customer invoice.
BALANCE OWING INVOICE/QUOTE - Prints a summary invoice (which as less details then a regular HA Invoice print.)
3rd PARTY INVOICE/QUOTE - Prints the invoice to 3rd Party funding Sources.
OTHER FORM - (Canadian clinics only) Gives the option of printing other common Canadian forms such as NIHB, WCB or VAC.
If your clinic is configured with the option to EMAIL your patients their invoices, a new window will be presented offering the option to print to PDF, EMAIL or to BOTH. Only customer facing documents such as the HA INVOICE or the BALANCE OWING INVOICE can be emailed to a patient. The 3rd Party Funder or Funder Form copies of the invoice cannot be emailed to a patient. When printing and emailing multiple documents, forms and 3rd Party Funder invoices that cannot be emailed will still print to PDF.
CONTINUE - Click this to save your invoice.
CANCEL - Click this to abort your changes and exit INVOICE/QUOTE.
ACC Matrix for ACC Funding Sources (New Zealand Clinics ONLY) :
Add the ACC Funder,
A screen may open asking if you which ACC Matrix price list to use. This will only occur if within your ACC Matrix (New Zealand only) set up, you have a previous ACC Matrix price and code list that has not expired yet. For example during around the time of a ACC price and code list change you may wish to be prompted to select which ACC price list to use for a specified amount of time.
If there is no previous ACC price list, then the Invoice Type selection window will immediately appear.
Select the ACC funding Invoice Type to create.
ACC Matrix Invoice Types Available:
ACC Matrix - used for New or Re-Aid sales.
Repair Invoice - used for On/Off Site Repairs or Molds.
Other - used to apply "other" codes set up within ACC Matrix (New Zealand only).
Override - used to override the total funding amount to any manually entered amount as required.
If choosing the ACC MATRIX option, you will be presented with the ACC Price Matrix Details window. Select the appropriate Fitting Type, Aid Status and Band and click CONTINUE.
Based on the ACC Price Matrix details selected, the ACC Matrix Invoice window will appear, displaying the selected Matrix criteria. The appropriate pricing will show based on the Matrix and will display the total funding amount. Select RESET if you wish zero out the Matrix or press CONTINUE to save and continue.
If choosing the REPAIR INVOICE option, you will be presented with the Repair Invoice Details window. Select your REPAIR TYPE of ON SITE, OFF SITE, BOTH or MOLDS at the top of the screen.
Enter the quantity for the type of repair chosen. (The maximum quantity that can be entered is 2.) The rest of the details for the selected repair/ mold should auto populate.
The repair amount coverage will default based on the ACC Matrix (New Zealand only) set up. The repair and mold maximum amounts shown will reflect the per ear value and the entitlements available will display based on other ACC funded invoices for this patient as well as the maximum entitlements allocated in the set up of the ACC Matrix within ACC Matrix (New Zealand only).
Use the RESET button at the bottom to reset the values to blank. Enter the WHOLESALE COST (INCL GST) field which is used to determine the freight and administration components of the invoice. User the ENTITLEMENTS button to review past ACC invoices for this patient.
(Note ACC entitlements are always calculated whether the patient is flagged as MONAURAL or BINAURAL and on the CURRENT frequency/maximum values, not the PREVIOUS frequency/maximum values as set up within ACC Matrix (New Zealand only). Maximum entitlements are always calculated based on what the ACC amount printed on an invoice is. For example, if the maximum amount set here is $1000, and an invoice is only worth $500, then only $500 will be considered towards the used maximum. Quotes are not considered towards entitlements. When a Quote is converted to an Invoice, the system will confirm that it will not exceed the maximum entitlements. If it does exceed the maximum entitlements, the user will be allowed to continue with the convert, as long the user clears the ACC Funder information.)
Press CONTINUE to save the details and return to the Invoice Totals screen on the invoice.