Fast-Track Invoices are designed for a sale that requires less information than the traditional device sale. Designed to be a simple sale, Fast-Track Invoices cannot have funding sources or products that require a serial number. Fast-Track Invoices can only have up to five different products and only one method of payment recorded.
To search for an existing Fast-Track Invoice, use the search icon (magnifying glass) in the invoice number field and enter the search criteria.
To create a new Fast-Track Invoice, click ADD. You will be offered the next available unique invoice number and must press ENTER to accept.
The screen prompts are:
DATE - Today's date will default into this field. Edits to the date can be made via the calendar icon or by manually typing the date. Note that if your clinic has Battery Club Tiers configured then this invoice date is very important regarding Battery Club Tiers and calculating their expiry dates. If changing this date you may be prompted an option to recalculate pricing relating to Battery Club Tiers.
LOCATION - As per your User Id's settings, if you have a default location assigned to your User Id, that location will default here. Choosing the location for this sale will be permitted based on your APPLICATION USER permissions.
PATIENT NUMBER - Enter the patient number or search for the patient number using the search icon.
PATIENT NAME/ SPECIALIST/ REFERRAL SOURCE/ ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER INFORMATION - will all auto-populate based on the patient number selected.
PRICE LIST Select the applicable price list for this invoice from the drop-down list. Price lists can be set up under the Inventory Menu within Product Price List Codes (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > INVENTORY > PRODUCT PRICE LIST CODES) then itemized per product within the PRODUCTION INFORMATION file. Alternatively, if a Default Price List has been associated to the selected patient previously within PATIENT INFORMATION, then that patients associated Price List will auto populated here. If the Price List is edited after adding products to the invoice or the location of an invoice has been changed, a prompt asking the user if a recalculation of the pricing is required will appear. If "Y" or yes is entered at this prompt, the system will update the unit prices accordingly. Note that if your clinic is configured to use Battery Club Tiers then it is important to note that PRICE LIST overrides Battery Club Tier discounts.
APPOINTMENT - An appointment for this patient can be selected and tied to this invoice by clicking the
icon to see a list of appointments. From the list of appointments, users have the option to highlight and select which appointment should be tied to this invoice. If selecting an appointment is mandatory parameter, then an appointment must be selected in order to save the invoice. If there is no such appointment, the user can select the "No Associated Appointment" option that appears at the bottom of the list. After assigning an appointment to this invoice, you can view the appointment by clicking the
icon.. This appointment information will be stored and can be displayed at any time. This information is also tracked on the Appointment Booking Report (REPORTS & INQUIRIES > MARKETING & CRM > APPOINTMENT BOOKING REPORT) when exported to Excel. NOTE: If the original appointment is edited or changed after associating it to an invoice, the invoice will not be updated with the new appointment details.
PRODUCT - To enter a product, first check the box at the beginning of the line item. Enter the product number or search for it using the search icon. Up to 5 product lines can be used.
TAXES - The taxes associated to this product will default based on the product category to which the product belongs. Taxes can be edited in the info icon.
DESCRIPTION - The description for this product will auto populate based on the product information file. The description may be edited if required.
QTY - The quantity will default to one or as specified on the product information file. Edit the Qty if required.
UNIT PRICE - The unit price will default based on the product information file. *Note - based on the user settings, product file, company and security preferences will determine if the product's unit price is editable.* Note that if your clinic has Battery Club Tiers configured then this invoice date is very important regarding Battery Club Tiers and calculating their expiry dates. If changing this date you may be prompted an option to recalculate pricing relating to Battery Club Tiers.
DISC% - To apply a discount, click the Disc % button and enter the discount to be applied. Discount permissions are identified at the product and application user levels.
EXTENDED PRICE - The extended price is populated based quantity multiplied by unit price minus discount.
TOTALS SUMMARY - A summary of the totals on this Fast-Track Invoice appears here. If the user has permission to edit rounding amounts, the ROUNDING AMOUNT field will be available to edit.
PAYMENT INFORMATION - If the company parameter has been set to force full payment on Fast-Track Invoices, then exiting this screen without indicating the payment information will not be allowed. The payment amount will default to the full amount due. The payment date will default to today's date, however can be edited as necessary. The payment method will need to be allocated and the client balance field will show nothing if full payment has been recorded properly.
The CHANGE icon allows the user to edit some details on the invoice as long as it has not been through the Daily Close process.
The NOTES icon allows users to enter a note specifically regarding this Fast-Track Invoice.
Press enter or CONTINUE to store the invoice after entering the payment information. You will be prompted to print your Fast-Track Invoice before the document closes.
If your clinic is configured with the option to EMAIL your patients their invoices, a new window will be presented offering the option to print to PDF, EMAIL or to BOTH. Only customer facing documents such as the HA INVOICE or the BALANCE OWING INVOICE can be emailed to a patient. The 3rd Party Funder or Funder Form copies of the invoice cannot be emailed to a patient. When printing and emailing multiple documents, forms and 3rd Party Funder Invoices will still print to PDF.
Click EXIT to close the window.
After the invoice has been stored, re-accessing this Fast-Track Invoice will now show a VOID icon.
This VOID button will void this sale and payment. This VOID icon only is available prior to this Fast-Track Invoice going through the Daily Close process. Once a Fast-Track Invoice has been through Daily Close, the only way to reverse or void it would be to create a new credit Fast-Track Invoice. Since Fast-Track Invoices require full payment, a credit invoice created here will require a full credit issue to the patient. If leaving a credit balance on the patient account, it is better to create a regular credit invoice in INVOICES & QUOTES.