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Repair Reasons

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In this menu, a user can create and maintain the REPAIR REASONS. Examples of Repair Reasons are "Out of Warranty Repair" or "In Warranty Repair".



To add a new Repair Reason, click ADD. To change a Repair Reason, click CHANGE. To delete a repair reason, click DELETE. Users can only delete a repair reason that is NOT currently in use on an open repair.


The screen prompts are:


REPAIR REASON - Enter the name of the Repair Reason.

LIST PRICE - Enter the List Price for this Repair Reason.


TAXABLE AMOUNT - Enter the amount of the List Price that is to be the Taxable Amount. The taxable amount for a repair must be greater than zero and less than the list price for the repair reason in order for it to take effect. If the taxable amount is ZERO for a given reason, then the list price will be used to calculate the tax. If the taxable amount is greater than the list price, then the list price is used to calculate the tax.


COST - Enter your company Cost for this Repair Reason.


TAXES - Use the window tool to access a list of taxes that are applicable to this Repair Reason. Be sure to select NTX as the tax rate if you do not want taxes applied to repairs with this repair reason. Please note if the tax information is left blank, the LOCATION taxes will still be applicable unless the tax rate NTX (no tax) is selected here.


LOCATIONS - To specify different list prices by location, a list of locations will appear here. To edit, highlight a location and click on the LIST PRICE field to indicate the price will be for this repair at that location.


INVENTORY - If this Repair Reason will consume inventory that needs to be tracked, click the INVENTORY check box. If checked, a prompt to add inventory to a Repair Reason will appear when entering a Repair.


INACTIVE - To inactivate a repair reason from the list, check the INACTIVE field.


Click SAVE to store changes. Click EXIT to close the window.