The PRODUCT MINIMUM / MAXIMUM REPORT primarily shows current clinic location stock and compares those values to any minimum /maximum levels defined at the product level. Using this PRODUCT MINIMUM / MAXIMUM REPORT can help clinics determine how much stock to reorder.
The screen prompts are:
SELECT BY - Select to run this report by Location or by Region (if Regions have been set up.)
REGION - If choosing to run this report by Region, select the Region here.
LOCATION - If choosing to run this report by Location, select <ALL> if running or all location, <SELECT> to run this for multiple select locations or choose a specific location within the drop-down list.
ALL CATEGORIES - Check this field to run this report for all product category. Uncheck this to run this report for on select category.
CATEGORY - If running this report on a single category, select that category here from the drop-down list.
ONLY PRODUCTS WITH MIN/MAX - If running this report only for products that have MIN/MAX quantities defined, check this field.
ONLY PRODUCTS TO REORDER - If running this report only for products that have MIN/MAX quantities defined, and those defined values indicate the product should be reordered, check this field.
INCLUDE INACTIVE ITEMS - Select to include inactive items, exclude them or only include them.
PRODUCTS TO INCLUDE - Select to include stock items, non-stock items or both stock and non-stock items.
REPORT OPTIONS - Select to print this report to export to excel.
When ready, press CONTINUE icon at the top.
The report will generate as requested.