Expense Bills are entered to record general expenses for miscellaneous clinic expenses that are not related to inventory (such as rent or utility bills.) To enter Expense Bills, the expense account number (general ledger account number) needs to exist within the EXPENSE ACCOUNTS menu option.
To ADD a new payable or bill, click the ADD icon. The system will automatically assign the next available bill number.
To VIEW a previously entered bill, use the
tool to search by Vendor Name, Date Range, Reference Number or Order Number.
To edit or CHANGE an existing bill, find the bill and click the CHANGE icon . Then click the
button to search for an existing bill by vendor.
The screen prompts are:
BILL NUMBER - Press Enter to accept the automatically assigned bill number.
VENDOR - Select a vendor from the drop-down list.
ADDRESS INFO - If the selected vendor has been set up to prompt for the address information during bill entry (within Vendor Information ACCOUNTS PAYABLE > VENDOR INFORMATION) users will be able to change the name and address by clicking the button Otherwise this field will be disabled.
LOCATION - From the drop-down list, select the location for which the bill is to entered. (If your user id has been set up to NOT prompt for location, this field will be disabled).
REFERENCE NUMBER - If applicable, enter the invoice number on the vendors invoice. Use up to 30 characters. Usually this refers to the vendors invoice number.
SHIPMENT NUMBER - If applicable, enter the shipment number associated to this bill.
ACCOUNT NUMBER - If an Account Number has been associated to the selected vendor within Vendor Information, that information will appear here.
PHONE NUMBER - If a Phone Number has been associated to the selected vendor within Vendor Information, that information will appear here.
BILL DATE - Press Enter to accept today's date or type in the preferred bill date.
DUE DATE - Press Enter to accept the due date calculated by using the terms for this vendor as stored in the Vendor Information screen, or override with the correct due date. The terms calculate based on the BILL DATE.
USER - The user will default to the user currently logged into the software. This is used for audit purposes.
ON HOLD - A check mark in this field indicates that this bill is not ready to be included in the Daily Close - Accounts Payable Transactions export, so it will not be included in the export AP feed. (The default for whether this ON HOLD field is checked by default is within Company Parameters). Bills marked as ON HOLD will still appear on the Vendor's account and on various Accounts Payable reports.
NOTE - Click the … to enter detailed notes for this bill.
ACCOUNT # - Select the account number from the drop down list. If the account number you require is not in the drop down list, the account will need to be added within EXPENSE ACCOUNTS.
DESCRIPTION - The product description will display automatically.
NOTE - Enter a note describing the item purchased.
COST - Enter the unit cost of the product billed (before taxes.)
NET AMOUNT - This amount will calculate automatically.
AMOUNT - Enter the amount (before tax.)
Click CONTINUE to display the bill totals window. Any applicable taxes can be entered in Tax 1 and Tax 2 amounts as needed. This is the tax information that will flow through to your accounting system when importing our accounting feeds.
If you create a vendor invoice for an expense that is inaccurate, you can go to EXPENSE BILLS, and find the bill and edit it. You can only edit a bill up until the point where you Export Purchase Transactions to your accounting package.
To delete a bill, click the DELETE icon.
To abort bill changes, click the CANCEL icon to be returned to the previous selection screen.
Click CONTINUE to complete and close the bill entry screen.