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View The Delete Log

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Various programs have been written to delete information from your system. Each time something is deleted, the computer automatically notes the user who deleted it and the date when it was deleted. The document number, product number, patient number and name are also tracked when relevant.


The selection prompts are:


FROM DATE - Press Enter to include all dates, or enter a starting date for the record selection.


TO DATE - Press Enter to include all dates, or enter an ending date for the record selection.


KEYWORD SEARCH - Press Enter to include all records in the date range, or enter a keyword or phrase for which to search.

When a keyword is entered, this can be all or part of the document type, operator code, key deleted, etc. The 'key deleted' in the record lists the patient number, document number, transaction number, etc. All records with this specified keyword will then display.



Click CONTINUE to search the delete log.


The record selection will display as follows:


DATE - The date when the deletion occurred will display.


ITEM - The type of information deleted will display.


PATIENT - Patient Record


INVOICE - Invoice Detail Record


REPAIR - Repair Detail Record


ORDER - Order Detail Record (**If you delete a line item from an Order, then ALL the details show. If you delete an entire order, only the details of the order will show.)


PRODUCT - Product Record


BILL - Bill Detail Record


PAYMENT - Payments that have been voided or re-exported to a third party accounting system


ACCOUNT - A/P Expense Account




The user code identifying the user who made the deletion will display.



The key refers to the invoice number, patient number, repair number, order number, etc. which was deleted.



The document deleted will display.



The product deleted will display.



The patient deleted or the patient associated with a deleted document detail will display.



The patient name or product description will display.




Click CANCEL to return to the selection screen for the delete log.


Click EXIT to close the window.