This function allows the user to view the status of the NOAH Integration from within Manage and allows for monitoring the status of exports from Manage on the Patients tab and imports of audiograms into Manage from the Audiograms tab.
The PATIENT tab will show you a list of all patients that are in the queue to be sent to the NOAH server or patients that have already attempted to be sent to NOAH, but have had an error. If an error occurs in the transmission process, it will be displayed in the Fault Code and Fault String area of the integration. In cases where errors occur, please contact Auditdata support. Using the Excel icon while the patients tab has focus will export the list of patients to Excel. (Note: Audiograms can only be imported into Manage if ALL decibel values are within increments of 5 between the range of -10 to 120.)
The AUDIOGRAM tab of the NOAH Integration Inquiry reads a log file on the Manage server that contains the status of each import attempt from the NOAH Server. The AUDIOGRAM tab will show both successful and unsuccessful transmissions and if the transmission is unsuccessful, it will have a reason why it is unsuccessful. In the above example, the first transmission was successful, the 2nd and 4th transmissions have been sent for clients that have not been synced with Manage, and the 3rd transaction has an error on the decibel rating for Air Conduction Left 1500. Using the Excel icon when focus is on the Audiograms tab will export the list on the screen into an Excel file. Note that to cut down on the number of files/space used on the application server, the Audiogram logs will be deleted after 7 days.
The NOAH Integration Inquiry can be exported to Excel via the Excel Icon in the upper left icon bar.