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Return Invoice

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RETURN INVOICE can be used to return sales invoices, repair invoices and HSP Claims.  Indicate whether you are reversing a sales invoice, repair invoice or HSP Claim by selecting the correct option.

Enter the DOCUMENT NUMBER or use the search option to select the type of document to RETURN.

If selecting HSP CLAIM (Australia only), then indicate either:

RETURN INVOICE - Returns just the inventory products on the claim via a new credit invoice. This option is only exposed for users who have been given permission to have this security parameter within SYSTEM > APPLICATION USERS and for clinics who have HSP Void Processing turned on.

REVERSE CLAIM (Australia only) - Returns both the HSP services and inventory products on an HSP Claim by creating a credit HSP Claim. This option is only exposed for users who have been given permission to have this security parameter within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > APPLICATION USERS and for clinics who have HSP Void Processing turned on.

* A reversal can only be performed on HSP Claims that have been marked as "APPROVED".

VOID CLAIM (Australia only) - Voids the selected HSP Claim.

Note that reversals on claims:

* A void can only be performed on HSP Claims that have NOT been approved that are not flagged as "PENDING" or "MANUAL" and have been through the Daily Close process.

* Deposits and payments are NOT automatically applied to the new reversal claim. The user will be presented with a window to apply a credit payment.

* Cross-Apply method of payments are only automatically applied to HSP Claims that did not have payments originally

* Serial numbers on an HSP Claim will be returned to stock when reversed.

* Claim may not have been previously reversed or be a reversal claim.


Press CONTINUE to accept and return this invoice.

If returning an Invoice, Repair or HSP Claim via RETURN INVOICE, a confirmation message will appear and present you with a new "reversal document" number. Returning an invoice creates a new invoice number with the original products/services reversed.

Users may also be prompted to create a RETURN ORDER when returning invoices that have a serialized product on them. This option is based on a prompt in CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > Document Parameters > PROMPT FOR RETURN ORDER ON RETURN INVOICE.

You will automatically be placed into the reversing invoice to view or to print  (the full REVERSE CLAIM option does not display the reversal HSP Claim).

If an invoice is returned and the company parameter "REASON CODE ON CREDIT INVOICES" is turned on (within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > DOCUMENT PARAMETERS), you will be prompted to select a CREDIT REASON when returning an invoice.

Settle the invoice by entering an appropriate payment method and amount to be refunded.