Resource Templates can be created and later configured to Appointment Reasons. Appointment Resource Templates are a way to indicate that a specific appointment reason uses more then one resource. (Specifically this configuration is only beneficial to our Manage Scheduler user interface.) For example, an appointment reason "Hearing Test" of 60 minutes in length may actually use a resource of "Sound Booth" for the first 30 minutes, and then use a resource "Consult Room" for the remaining 30 minutes. A Resource Template can be configured to utilize multiple resources that equal the total the length of time the appointment is.
Use the ADD button to add a new RESOURCE TEMPLATE or CHANGE to edit an existing one.
The screen prompts are:
TEMPLATE NAME - Give your resource template a name.
TEMPLATE LENGTH - Assign how long the template is in minutes. Note that this template length must match EXACTLY to the Appointment Reasons length of time you wish to assign them to later.
RESOURCES - Click the ellipsis icon to assign the actual resource types to your resource template. A new VIEW TEMPLATE RESOURCES screen will open.
Use the ADD button to add a new resource type or CHANGE to edit an existing one.
TEMPLATE NAME - The TEMPLATE NAME from the previous screen that you are creating a template for will appear.
TEMPLATE LENGTH - The TEMPLATE LENGTH from the previous screen that your are creating a template for will appear. This will serve as a reminder of how long (in minutes) total you have to allocate resources to below.
START TIME - Enter how may minutes this resource till be assigned. For example, if your whole template will be for 60 minutes, then the first start time entered here may be starting at the first 0 min.
END TIME - Enter the end minutes this resource will be assigned. For example, if your whole template may be 60 minutes, then this particular resource may end at minute 30 of those 60.
RESOURCE TYPE - Defaults to select a RESOURCE TYPE.
RESOURCE - Select which resource from the RESOURCE TYPE list, which resource is needed. You can edit your available list within Resource Types.
Press CONTINUE to save your changes and return to the previous screen. Press CANCEL to abort your changes and return to the previous screen.
Note that the second part of configuring RESOURCE TEMPLATES is to assign them to your Appointment Reasons.