This option allows users to print letters for patients.
The screen prompts are:
PATIENT NUMBER - Enter the patient number or type the beginning of the patient's last name to search for the patient. Alternatively, click the button to search for a patient.
LETTER TO PRINT - Using the drop-down list, select the letter to print. (Letters to select from this drop-down list need to be created first in Patient Letters CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > PATIENT LETTERS.)
LETTER DATE - Enter the date of the letter or press ENTER to select today's date as the default date.
ADDRESS INFORMATION TO PRINT - Select the CLINIC address, LOCATION address or NEITHER (if using letterhead) on the letter to print.
NUMBER OF COPIES - Enter the number of copies to print.
Click CONTINUE to print the letter. Click EXIT to close the window.
Note: Printing bulk patient letters can be completed within Patient Inquiry (REPORTS & INQUIRIES > MARKETING & CRM > PATIENT INQUIRY.)