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Print Patient Forms

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This PRINTING PATIENT FORMS option allows users to print specific forms for patients such as Case History, Release of Information, etc.

**The Forms need to be created and entered into the system before they will be available for use. Please contact our Auditdata support  department if you are interested in creating your own custom forms for use within Manage.

The screen prompts are:


PATIENT NUMBER - Enter the patient number or type the beginning of the patient's last name to search for the patient. Alternatively, click the search button button to search for a patient.

**Forms will print with the preferred contact number as assigned on the patient information file.

FORM TO PRINT - Using the drop-down list, select the form to print.  Ontario clinics will be able to select the printable AVDP form that will populate with patient information.

NUMBEROF COPIES - Enter the number of copies to print.

Click CONTINUE to print the form and close this window. Click EXIT to close this window.