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To integrate Manage with CounselEAR, please contact our Auditdata support staff for configuration assistance.


Once the integration has been configured, users will see a CounselEAR icon within the PATIENT INFORMATION screen.


When clicking the CounselEAR icon, the system will connect to the CounselEAR software and check to see if the patient exists in the CounselEAR database. If it doesn't find this patient in the CounselEAR database, you will be prompted with the opportunity to add this patient record to your CounselEAR database. Click YES to add the patient to CounselEAR and NO to continue without adding the patient to the CounselEAR database.


If you have indicated YES to adding this patient to CounselEAR, then the CounselEAR website will open and you will see the patient information from Simply Hearing OMS | Manage populating the fields as required by CounselEAR.


Once SAVE has been pressed on this patient file within CounselEAR the records are merged and CounselEAR reports can be accessed via Simply Hearing OMS | Manage within the patient file.


Once a patient file has been associated to the patient within CounselEAR, clicking the CounselEAR icon within Simply Hearing OMS | Manage Patient Information screen will launch this patient's list of stored CounselEAR reports.



To view an existing report, either highlight and press SELECT, or double click on the report and the CounselEAR website will be launched, taking you directly to that specific report.


To create a new report, click on NEW VISIT and the CounselEAR URL will be launched, taking you directly to creating a new report. Once that report is saved in CounselEAR, that report will be recorded in this patient's list of reports when either the REFRESH button is pressed, or if the patient file is saved and re-accessed.


The REFRESH button will refresh the list of recorded reports.


Any changes saved to the Manage patient file will be applied to the CounselEAR patient file.