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Appointment Resources

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A database of available appointment resources such as sound booths and offices can be tracked. This allows a user to be warned if they are booking an appointment assigned to use a resource that is already booked during the same time period.

First, select the location at which resources are to be allocated.

To add each of your available resources or rooms click ADD. (Examples of Appointment Resources are: SOUND BOOTH/ CONSULTATION ROOM/ FITTING ROOM etc.)

The screen prompts are:

APPOINTMENT RESOURCE - Assign the resource a name such as "sound booth" or "consultation room".

COLOR - Assign the resource a color. This color will show up on the appointment scheduler screen.

CONFIRM AVAILABILITY - You can indicate "NO" that you never wish to be warned about a possible appointment conflict using the same resource. You can select "WARN" to be warned about a possible appointment conflict using the same resource, or "YES" to be prevented from creating an appointment when the resource is booked already for that same time.

RESOURCE TYPE - From the drop down list, if this resource belongs to a RESOURCE TYPE group, you can select that group here. For example, your clinic may have configured a RESOURCE TYPE called "sound booths" where you can allocate that all your "sound booth" APPOINTMENT RESOURCES belong to the same RESOURCE TYPE. (The list of RESOURCE TYPE are maintained within Resource Types.)

VIEW or EDIT an existing resource or room by clicking CHANGE.

Any resources entered here for a location can then be associated to Appointment Reasons (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SCHEDULING > APPOINTMENT REASONS) so that when the appointment reason is selected, the user can assign the appropriate appointment resource as well.


Click SAVE to store changes. Click EXIT to close the window.