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For clinics located in the United States, the AllWell Financing integration option is available. The AllWell credit application web form can be launched from within an Invoice in Manage. When the web form is launched from an invoice, the amounts from that invoice will pre-populate into the web form.



To set up Manage to integrate with your AllWell Financing account:


1) CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > COMPANY PARAMETERS (U.S. clinics only) - Check the "FINANCING" flag to activate AllWell financing options on an Invoice or Repair.


2) CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > APPLICATION USERS - Enter the AllWell user name and password to be used by this user when accessing the AllWell credit application web form. Entering the user name and password here will allow users to skip the AllWell log on screen. If no user name and password is stored for the user, the user will be prompted to enter a user name and password in the AllWell log on screen for each invoice.


3) CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > FUNDING SOURCES (CO-PAYERS) - Add a new funding source named "AllWell Financing".




To process an AllWell Financing application:


1) Create the invoice normally, indicating all funding amounts, deposits and payments.


2) Within the FUNDER window on an Invoice, the FINANCE button will launch the AllWell web form URL and patient and sale amount details from the Invoice or Repair will pre-populate within the web form.


3) The AllWell Financing web form will instantly inform you of approval or denial of financing. If approved, go back into the FUNDER window on the Invoice or Repair, and add the funder "AllWell Financing", indicating the reference number and amount that is being financed by AllWell. This will adjust the customer balance due accordingly and transfer the Accounts Receivable to the funder AllWell.


4) When receiving a payment on this Invoice or Repair, go to RECEIVE PAYMENTS and select the funder account "AllWell".