Tasks can created and assigned to a user specifically or to all users at an entire location.
Users must first be assigned Task Permissions within Application Users (CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS> SYSTEM > APPLICATION USERS) under Security Parameters by assigning a user permission to create/assign tasks for other USERS, tasks by LOCATION, tasks by both USER and LOCATION or NONE. Once the user has been set up to create or assign tasks, that user will be able to create/assign tasks based on those permissions, in this inquiry.
The screen prompts are:
SELECT BY - Select to run this inquiry by Location or by Region (Accounting or Report Region).
REGION - If running the inquiry by region, select which Accounting or Reporting Region for which to run the report.
LOCATION - To run the report for a specific location, select the location from the drop-down list. Select "<All>" to the report for all locations. Users can also select to run select locations by choosing "<Select>" from the drop down list to be presented with locations to include in the report. Note that locations displayed are based on the location permissions of the logged-in user.
TASK OWNER - Choose to whom the task currently belongs.
ASSIGNED BY - Choose who the task was created/assigned by.
STARTING DATE - Enter the starting date for the inquiry.
ENDING DATE - Enter the ending date for the inquiry.
STATUS - Select whether you wish to run the inquiry on outstanding (non completed) tasks, completed tasks or both outstanding and completed tasks.
Click CONTINUE to run the inquiry with the selected criteria.
A new window TASK INFORMATION opens and displays the search results based on the previously selected criteria.
To add a new Task, press the ADD icon.
The screen prompts are:
ASSIGNED TO - Select whether this task is to be assigned to a User or Location.
CODE - Based on whether this task is being assigned to a User or Location, the CODE will be a drop down list of users or location to which this task can be assigned.
DATE/TIME - Select the Date and Time this task is to be completed.
STATUS - Select whether the Task is Outstanding or Completed.
DESCRIPTION - Enter a Description for this Task.
Then use the note area to itemize any specifics regarding the task (up to 750 characters).
The tasks created here will appear within the TASK Widget of either the user you assigned this task to, or all users at the location you assigned this task to. The tasks presented in the TASK Widget on any given date include the tasks for the selected date followed by any overdue tasks that are incomplete to a maximum of 30 days overdue.
Click CONTINUE to save your Task and to be returned to the main Task Inquiry.
Click REFRESH to refresh the results based on your previous selection criteria.
To export these inquiry results to Excel as a report, click the EXCEL icon.
Click CANCEL to return to the criteria selection screen.
Click EXIT to close the window.