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Active User Sessions

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Within the ACTIVE USER SESSIONS menu option users who have been given permission to terminate either their own sessions or all sessions will be able view and terminate sessions.

Users given access to ACTIVE USER SESSIONS can view the session as they have been given permission (above), and highlight and DELETE as necessary. 

A session is considered ANY function that is open, other then any menu screens. For example if a user has the Patient menu open only, that would not be considered a licence or a session. If that same user had the patient menu open on one tab and had the INVOICES & QUOTES function open on another tab, that would be considered 1 licence or 1 session. If that same user had the patient menu open on one tab, the INVOICE & QUOTE function open on a 2nd tab and had the AR INQUIRY OPEN on a 3rd tab, that would use 2 license's or 2 sessions.


Highlight a session detail line and press DELETE to end the session.

The EXCEL button can be used to print a report of the screen results.

The REFRESH button can be used to refresh the data and see the latest results.

Click EXIT to close the window.