This function will allow Manage to request audiograms from NOAH. The purpose of this function is to get any past audiograms that were created before the Manage /Noah integration was put in place.
This function can also be helpful if a patient is not properly linked to Manage before an audiogram is sent, if this happens, use this function to request audiograms for that patient with a starting and ending date of the date the audiogram was created. Please note that if you request an audiogram already exists in Manage, it will be duplicated after NOAH exports it.
The screen prompts are:
- FROM PATIENT NUMBER - Enter a specific patient number to request Audiograms for only one patient or leave this field blank to request Audiograms for all patients.
- TO PATIENT NUMBERS - Enter the same specific patient number to request Audiograms for only one patient or leave this field blank to request Audiograms for all patients.
- ACTIVE ONLY - Check this box to only request Audiograms for active patients.
- STARTING DATE - Enter a starting date to retrieve Audiograms from NOAH.
- ENDING DATE - Enter an ending date for Audiograms retrieved from NOAH.
Click the CONTINUE icon to request the audiograms from NOAH.
Note: Audiograms can only be imported into Manage if ALL decibel values are within increments of 5 between the range of -10 to 120.