Clinics can upload their own patient forms that can provide data merging tools and be printable from the PATIENT INFORMATION screen on a patient. Using the screen below, users can upload a document that has the data tags within the document to capture the necessary pieces of information required for the document.
Before creating any Patient Forms, it is a good idea to print the full list of available data tags by clicking either the EXCEL or WORD icon. This will generate a document that includes every available data tag that can be used in your patient form. This way users can create their patient form using all the correct data tags.
To add a new patient form, click the ADD icon.
FORM NAME - Assign this patient form a unique name.
FILE NAME - Use the BROWSE icon to select the document you wish to upload. (If using data tags on this form, make sure that this document has all the right data tags in the correct places as required.)
FONT SIZE - The font size used primarily is determined by the document default, however users can override the font size of the data tags on the document by entering that font size value here that will apply to all the data tags on the document.
INACTIVE - Check to make this patient form unavailable to users.
FORM TAGS - Click into this option to map all the data tags.
When creating a new form, you will click the LOAD TAGS button to load all the tags available to patient forms. The tags that were found on the document will appear under the DOCUMENT TAG column and the data tags available in our software will appear under the COLUMN NAME column. Users can assign their own form data tag on the left to our data tag on the right. This will tell the document which information to print where.
You can also indicate a specific data tag FONT size and indicate special mapping options. (Example if a tag is PATIENT GENDER, under VALUE you can add "M" and under REPLACEMENT VALUE you can add "Male" if you want the word Male to appear on the form. Alternately you can add the VALUE "F" and under REPLACEMENT VALUE you can add "Female". This will look at the patient gender and enter "Female" or "Male" as applicable.)
* If uploading a Word doc, users can select a Word doc with a static footer or header, however data tags within the footer or header will not be available to use.
* If uploading an edible PDF doc, the system will generate an editable PDF when printing the patient form. If uploading a regular PDF, the system will generate an regular non editable PDF when printing the patient form.
* PDF's can only use data tags no greater the 50 characters.
*Ensure that your PDF documents are not "secured".
* If a data tag will not work on a Word document, sometimes opening the original document and deleting and re-adding the tag will make the tag work. (One work around is to COPY ALL on the body content of the original document, and then delete all the body content, and then save the document, close the document and reopen to PASTE content back into the document and save. Then upload and retest this edited document to ensure tags work correctly.)
* If uploading a Word doc, make sure the doc was saved with SPELL CHECK turned off. Any highlighted spelling mistakes within a data tag will not work.