HSP Categories must be set up, and each Category requires a description, amount, GST (if applicable) and total.
To add new HSP Categories, click ADD. Use CHANGE and DELETE to edit categories as needed.
The screen prompts are:
CATEGORY - Enter a code for the category.
DESCRIPTION - Enter a description for the category.
AMOUNT - Enter an amount for this category.
GST - Enter the GST applicable for this category.
TOTAL - The amount + gst will show a total here.
BENEFIT - Check this box if HSP Claims require users to enter benefit values for the categories.
More details can be added to any category created by highlighting a category and clicking EXPAND/CONTRACT. Within the EXPAND/CONTRACT view, new price amounts and effective dates for each HSP Category can be added.
The screen prompts are:
EFFECTIVE DATE - If an HSP category will be have a new amount, effective on a new date, enter the new date here.
NEW AMOUNT - Enter the new amount of this HSP Category.
NEW GST - Enter the new GST amount of this HSP Category.
NEW TOTAL - The new total will appear here.