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Merge Patients

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The MERGE PATIENTS utility takes details associated to one patient, and reassigns those details as belonging to another selected patient. This is helpful when two patient files exist in a database, both with activity and sales, that are actually the same patient.


The MERGE PATIENTS utility moves the following details to the new patient number:


Start Up Invoices

Patient Alerts

Patient Appointments

Patient Attachments

Patient Audiograms

AP Bill Associations

Patient Competitive Hearing Aids

Patient Hearing Aid Status'

Patient EDI Orders

Patient Finance Charges

Patient HCFA Claims

Patient Hearing Aids on Loan

Patient Invoices & Quotes

Patient Notes

Patient Notifications

Patient Reports

Patient HSP Claims (Australia Only)

Patient Order Receiving

Patient Orders

Patient Payment Details

Patient Payment Receipts

Patient Recalls

Patient Repairs

Patient Serial Numbers

Patient Surveys




To merge two patient records, complete the following fields:


First select whether you wish to merge a patient file or a lead file.


MERGE FROM PATIENT - Enter the patient number from which the patient files are being moved. This will be the patient number you wish to no longer use.


MERGE TO PATIENT - Enter the patient number to which the patient files are being moved. This is the patient number you wish to continue using.


Press CONTINUE to merge the two patient files into the "TO" patient record.



A results table will appear showing the type and number of records that have been moved to the "TO" patient.


Please note that the old patient number will still exist and will be automatically marked as "INACTIVE". However all the records associated to the "FROM" patient will be removed from the original patient. Deleting a patient record can only be performed after a merge of details to another patient has been completed.