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Import Data

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Manage supports importing bulk data, however this function needs to be performed by a Support Department Representative. Please contact the Auditdata support department to discuss your data goals and requirements.


The IMPORT DATA tool was designed to allow users to enter large amounts of data into the Manage database.  It is most often used prior to a clinic Go-Live to import large quantities of Products, Patients, Physicians, Appointments or other types of information. An Auditdata Support Rep will complete a full data backup prior to completing any Update to your Data and ensure the data format is correct.  


Here is a list of the available data Imports that can be performed:


APPOINTMENTS - This will import Appointment details into the scheduler.


CANCELLED APPOINTMENTS - This import is designed to allow clinics to upload previously cancelled appointment data. Mandatory fields required for a successful record import include: Specialist, Date, Time, Alternate Client Number.


COST LEVELS - This will import cost levels and descriptions into the database. Existing data may also be exported.

FUNDING SOURCES - This import is designed to import Funding Sources and their full postal information.


HSP DATES - This import is designed for Australian clinics who wish to import HSP dates (such as "last fitting date" into the database.

HSP HISTORY - This import will add HSP History to existing patient files.


LEAD INFORMATION - This import will allow Patient Lead Information data to be uploaded and become editable within Manage. To import Lead Information, only the Last Name is required for the import to process.


LISTENING DEVICES - This will import Hearing Aid/ Device history into existing patient files.


LOCATION INFORMATION - This import is designed to allow Clinic location data to be imported using a unique Location Code and Location Name.


OPENING BALANCES - This import will bring in a patient's accounts receivable opening balances.


PATIENT CAMPAIGNS SENT- Campaign data can be imported through this utility. Users are able to import this data either by using an existing Manage Patient Number or Alternate Client Number. Mandatory fields include: Alternate Patient Number, Campaign, Date.


PATIENT INFORMATION - This import is designed to import Patient Files into the database.


PATIENT LETTERS - This import is designed to add a record to selected patients who may have received a letter outside of Manage.

PATIENT NOTES - This import is designed to import patient notes for patients who have previously been entered or imported into the database.


PATIENT RECALLS - This import is designed to import patient recalls for patients who have been previously entered or imported into the database.


PHYSICIANS - This will import Physicians and their full postal and contact information.


PRICE LISTS - This will import PRICE LISTS (codes) and descriptions into the database. Whether importing a PRICE LISTS for the first time, or updating existing PRICE LISTS, a SEARCH FOR PRODUCT window will open. If importing a PRICE LISTS for the first time, click the SEARCH without indicating any search criteria and a blank Excel file will open, formatted with all the Excel columns for data to be entered on and later imported. If updating an existing PRICE LISTS, when the SEARCH FOR PRODUCT window opens, users can search existing products in the database using the specified criteria. If selecting specific search criteria, then the Excel file will open populating the specified products. This will make editing existing PRICE LISTS amounts much easier. Existing data may also be exported.


PRODUCT COST AND LIST - This will import PRODUCT COST AND LIST amounts (codes) and descriptions into the database. Whether importing a PRODUCT COST AND LIST for the first time, or updating existing PRODUCT COST AND LIST, a SEARCH FOR PRODUCT window will open. If importing a PRODUCT COST AND LIST for the first time, click the SEARCH without indicating any search criteria and a blank Excel file will open, formatted with all the Excel columns for data to be entered on and later imported. If updating an existing PRODUCT COST AND LIST, when the SEARCH FOR PRODUCT window opens, users can search existing products in the database using the specified criteria. If selecting specific search criteria, then the Excel file will open populating the specified products. This will make editing existing PRODUCT COST AND LIST amounts much easier. Existing data may also be exported.


PRODUCT INFORMATION - This import is designed to import products into the database. Users can indicate whether the patients added into Manage will use the Alternate Client Number as the patient records new Manage Patient Number. Existing data may also be exported.


PRODUCT MIN/MAX QUANTITIES - This import is designed for clinics who want to apply minimum and maximum quantity limits to their existing products. After importing minimum and maximum quantities, users can run reports to see which products should be ordered due to low quantity and can be warned if ordering more products then the maximum allows. Existing data may also be exported.


SUGGESTED SALES LIST - Users are able to import Suggested Sale Lists items, which are to be associated to a product by using a unique PRODUCT NUMBER. Products designated as SSL's will be offered to users when adding the product that has been set up to have SSL's.


To create a data import template, select the import to be performed and click the EXCEL icon to generate a template in excel. Once this file is created, an Auditdata Support Rep can assist with importing the file to your database.