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Getting Kicked Out

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If your Manage goes down, or is not accessible, then it may be for one of the following reasons:

  1. If the internet service stops (even for a moment) a message will appear and you will be kicked out of the software. If the internet is not working or unreliable, contact your Internet Service Provider.  You can also try accessing the software from a different internet browser. Firefox for example is our recommended internet browser as it has proven to be the most reliable and stable of all the browsers in our testing.


  2. If your PC (workstation) is connected to your internet via WIFI, the WIFI connection may not be stable. To test if your WIFI is unstable, add an Ethernet cable internet option to see if the stability of the internet improves. If the internet is more reliable or stable when using an Ethernet cable, then the WIFI card in the PC may need to be configured differently or possibly replaced entirely.