The EXPORT PATIENTS function can export a list of patients. The most common use for such an exported list is for importing into a third party CRM package. In order to utilize the EXPORT PATIENTS tool, web services must be configured within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > Web Services. Contact Auditdata for assistance with web service calls for CRM integrations.
This EXPORT PATIENTS function is designed to list patients matching the following criteria:
·Newly added patients.
·Existing patient's who have recently had their patient files edited.
·Patients who have purchased and their sales transactions have been included in a recent Daily Close 3.
Under the SETTINGS icon, you can indicate the file path where the generated export file will save to as well.
The screen prompts are:
EXPORT DIRECTORY - The file path listed here references where under SETTINGS (above)
TRX NUMBER (BLANK FOR NEW) - To run the export for newly created/edited patients, leave the TRX # blank to generate a new export. Otherwise use the search icon to find a previously created export to re-run.
Then press CONTINUE to start the export of patient data.
Click the EXIT icon to close the window.