Simply Hearing OMS | Manage can be configured to communicate cash activity into your accounting system.
If integrating to:
QuickBooks - DC2 will create an exportable .iif file with cash details that can be manually imported directly into QuickBooks.
Navision - will create an exportable .xls file with cash details that can be manually imported directly into Navision. Automated server tasks can also be configured to automate the file import process into Navision.
Xero - is a configurable integration that can automatically import cash transactions into Xero.
The Daily Close 2 export creates Banking, Accounts Receivable and Deposits Held postings for payment transactions reconciled through the completed Daily Close 1 process.
It is necessary to map the General Ledger accounts to be used in Simply Hearing OMS Daily Close export feeds prior to completing your first Daily Close.
The upper left menu shows the
icon for EXPORT SET UP. Within this window, the General Ledger accounts can be viewed. (Accounts can only be viewed here and are set up within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING (AR/AP) > QUICKBOOKS/ NAVISION/ XERO EXPORT SETUP.) These are the General Ledger (G/L) accounts that will used by Simply Hearing OMS when creating the export file for your accounting system. Click the link below to view setup instructions:
QuickBooks or Navision Export Set Up
To run a new Daily Close 2 export, leave the Trx Number field blank. This will allow the system to auto populate the next available transaction number. Select All Regions or the specific region you wish to export and press CONTINUE.
An information window will appear indicating the batch number of the created export file. Click OK. There is no report option for Daily Close 2.
If you are exporting to Navision, the system will generate an Excel file. If you are accessing Manage via a web browser you will be prompted to view or save the file. Be sure to save the file to a location where it can be retrieved later for importing.
If you are exporting to Quick Books, the system will generate an .iif type file. (It is important to note if creating iif files for QuickBooks the generated iif file SHOULD NOT be opened prior to importing into QuickBooks as this could alter the file formatting.
(The PC that houses QuickBooks must have the Windows date format set to MM/DD/YY otherwise the file exported from Manage will not be readable by QuickBooks.) If you are accessing Manage via a web browser you will be prompted to view or save the file. Be sure to save the file to a location where it can be retrieved later for importing.
If you are exporting to Xero, the system will automatically send the transactions to Xero.
Reviewing Previously Run Daily Close 2 Batches:
Within Daily Close, users can view a previously exported Cash Transaction batch by clicking the symbol.
Users are presented with a search window displaying batch results within the date ranges at the top. To review or recreate a batch, highlight the batch and either double click or press SELECT. (XERO users may see a BLANK result under the EXPORTED column. This means the batch was created, however not ALL of the transactions were communicated to XERO due to a transaction error or failure).
If re-running a Cash Transaction batch for:
Quick Books - the .iif file will be recreated. (Warning - Quick Books does not warn users when trying to import the same .iif file twice.)
Navision - the .xls file will be recreated.
XERO - Will attempt to resend any previous transactions that did not originally get accepted by XERO. If all transactions were successful, no additional or duplicated information will flow through to XERO.
If any errors or failures of a transaction occurred, the XERO user will see BLANK under the EXPORTED column and can double click on the transaction that failed to see more details on the failure and even correct the failure in some cases.
When selecting the XERO with errors, the user will press CONTINUE again to re-run the batch. The user will then be presented with a list of all the transactions included in the Cash Transaction batch.
To review and correct an error or failure, users can double click on failed transaction to be presented with options.
The error listed will tell the user why the failure to communicate this transaction to XERO occurred. The user can choose to view the transaction using the VIEW button, or choose to VOID the transaction entirely. If the user presses VOID, the transaction will be removed permanently from the queue for XERO communication and it will be the users responsibility to manually inform XERO of the transaction details. If the error is due to an incorrect PAYMENT DEBIT ACCOUNT or PAYMENT CREDIT ACCOUNT, then either of those accounts can be edited to match what is available in XERO by using the drop down account selections.