The Client Referral Report can be run with criteria to access referral information.
The screen prompts are:
ALL LOCATIONS - When this box is checked, “ALL LOCATIONS” will display. Individual locations cannot be selected when this is checked. Location permissions are based on Application User set up.
LOCATION - When this box is checked, “ALL LOCATIONS” will display. Individual locations cannot be selected when this is checked. Location permissions are based on Application User set up.
ALL REFERRAL SOURCES - If checked, the report can be run on all referral codes.
REFERRAL SOURCE - If ALL referral codes is unchecked, then you can select a specific referral code for which to run this report.
STARTING DATE - Enter a starting date for the record selection.
ENDING DATE - Enter an ending date for the record selection.
DATA TO USE - Select whether to run the report based on when the patient was added to the database, or when the referral code was added (or last edited) on the patient's file.
REPORT OPTIONS - Indicate if the report is to be printed or exported to excel.
EXPORT BY LOCATION - Indicate if the report should show each referral line broken up by locations.
EXPORT BY MONTH - This flag will be able to be checked ONLY when exporting the information to Excel for a date range of less than a 24 month period.
Click CONTINUE to run the report using the criteria selected.
Click EXIT to close the window.