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Cash In Store Register

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The CASH IN STORE REGISTER can be used to search the deposits and payments that are currently recorded as Cash In Store for a specific location.



The screen prompts are:


LOCATION - Select or accept the defaulted Location. (Location defaults are based on the permissions of the user logged into the software.)


BANKING DATE - Defaults to today's date.



Pressing CONTINUE will launch a details screen showing all the payments and deposits currently marked as being held as Cash In Store. This list will display all payments and deposits currently held in the store, regardless of whether or not they have been included in Daily Close 2 or Daily Close 3.


To move the payments and deposits from being Cash In Store into the physical bank, simply check the BANK box at the end of any payment or deposit. This marks the payment or deposit as "registered" now to the bank.


The EXCEL icon will allow the user to create an excel report of the payments or deposits selected to go


All the payments and deposits that are marked to be moved to the bank will be processed once the CONTINUE button is clicked. The next Daily Close 3 that is run will include moving the payments and deposits marked as BANK from the configured HOLDING account for Cash In Store to the configured BANK account as per the Payment Methods configuration.




Press EXIT to return to the previous menu.