The ADJUST INVOICE DETAILS utility allows users to change non-accounting related details. Details such as the appointment associated to an invoice, notes, warranty dates and side can be edited no matter if the invoice has been through the Daily Close process. (Note for HSP Claims in Australia, the Claim must not have been approved by HSP in order to have non-accounting related details edited.)
The screen prompts are:
INVOICE NUMBER - Enter or search for an invoice number.
APPOINTMENT - Use the assign or edit an appointment associated to an invoice. Use the
to view the currently associated appointment details.
NOTES - Edit or create a note associated to an invoice.
ADDITIONAL INFO - Edit or create warranty date information or other additional information based on whether editing a Invoice or HSP Claim. (Note if editing invoice details on an HSP Claim, more fields of information such as 3FAHLs, Audiogram date, Follow up date, client certification details and signing info will be presented.)
DETAILS - The invoice details will display the products on the selected invoice. The columns are:
SIDE - Will display the SIDE as sold, and allow the user to edit the side.
PRODUCT - Will display the PRODUCT as sold.
TAXES - Will display the TAXES as sold.
DESCRIPTION - Will display the DESCRIPTION of the product as sold.
QTY - Will display the QTY as sold.
SERIAL NUMBER - Will display the SERIAL NUMBER as sold. If your clinic is not configured to use serialized processing, then the SERIAL NUMBER field will be available to edit.
UNIT PRICE - Will display the UNIT PRICE of the product as sold.
DISC% - Will display the DISC% of the product as sold.
EXT. PRICE - Will display the EXT. PRICE of the product as sold.
Use the EXP/CON button to expand the product line details to see and edit more fields such as:
BATTERY SIZE - View or edit the battery size as required for this product.
VENDOR - View or edit the vendor as required for this product.
INVOICE NUMBER - View or edit the associated vendor invoice number for this product.
DELIVERY DATE - View or edit the delivery date for this product.
WARRANTY DATE - View or edit the warranty date
L&D WARRANTY DATE - View or edit the L&D warranty date.
Press CONTINUE to save your changes.