This screen displays the calculated finance charges so they can be edited.
The screen will display a list of each account that has an outstanding balance based on the end date which was previously entered in the Generate Finance Charges (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE > FINANCE CHARGE OPTIONS > GENERATE FINANCE CHARGES) menu option. Each account will show details including the account number, the name, the doc date or end date used as the month end calculation date and the calculated finance charge.
The ADD, CHANGE or DELETE icons will allow the user to edit any single line as needed.
New negative amount finance charges may be applied as a credit for a previously posted finance charge using the ADD icon.
To abort the function, click CANCEL.
When the amounts are ready to post, click SAVE.
Click EXIT to close the window.
Now the amounts are ready to post within Post Finance Charges (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE > FINANCE CHARGE OPTIONS > POST FINANCE CHARGES.)