The REVIEW PAYMENT HISTORY will review A/R payments that have been entered into the system.
The screen prompts are:
ACCOUNT NUMBER - Enter the account number for which a payment history is to be reviewed. Alternatively, type the beginning of the last name into the account number field and press enter to search for the account number, or click the button to search for a specific account number.
PAYMENT NUMBER - Enter the payment number to review. The button will show a list of all payment numbers and details for each recorded payment on this account number.
LOCATION - The location field will auto populate based on the location associated to the payment number.
PAYMENT METHOD - The payment method will auto populate based on the payment method associated to the payment number which was previously selected.
ACCOUNT BALANCE - The account balance will auto populate.
PAYMENT DATE - The payment date will auto populate based on the payment date associated to the payment number which was previously selected.
REFERENCE NUMBER - The reference number will auto populate based on the reference number associated with the payment number which was previously selected.
Once the payment is selected, a new window grid detailing the payment details of the selected payment number will display.
Click the PRINT icon to print a receipt for this payment transaction.
The VOID button will be available for those users with permission to void payments. A prompt will appear, asking the user to confirm voiding this payment. (If your user id has been set up to NOT allow voiding of A/R payments, those options will be disabled. Permission to this Void Payment feature should be carefully considered as there are accounting ramifications.) Please note that voiding a payment removes the payment amount and its related postings from Manage. However, if the original payment has been exported previously via a Daily Close feed, it is important to remember that a voided payment will not make any additional reverse posting entries for the next Daily Close feed. This means your accounting system will not receive any postings as a result of the voided payment. It is your decision whether a manual entry is required in your accounting software package.
The RE-EXPORT PAYMENT option aallows the user to re-export the payment if necessary. A prompt will appear, asking the user to confirm re-exporting this payment. (If your user id has been set up to NOT allow re-exporting of A/R payments to a third party accounting system this options will be disabled.)
The CANCEL icon allows the user to abort this window and return to the main selection screen.
Click EXIT to close the window.