The PRODUCT SALES REPORT lists all sales for each category by clinic, then by location within each clinic and includes subtotals for each.
The screen prompts are:
SELECT BY - Select to run this report by either LOCATION (if your user id is not configured with multiple location access, this field will be disabled) or by reporting REGION (if reporting regions have been configured within CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > REGION INFORMATION.)
REGION - If selecting to run this report by reporting REGION (above), “ALL REGIONS” will display by default. Use the drop down selection window to select to run this report for a specific region, or leave "ALL REGIONS". If running this report by reporting REGION, individual regions cannot be selected.
LOCATION - If running this report by LOCATION (above), select the specific location for which this report is to be run. Select either <ALL>, to run for all locations to which your user id has permissions, <SEL> to run for select locations to which your user id has permissions, or select one location from the list to which your user id has permissions.
ALL CATEGORIES - If this box is checked, the report will run for all product categories. You will not be able to select an individual category when this is checked.
CATEGORY - If running this report for a single category, select that category from the drop-down list. To run the report for all categories, select <ALL>. Alternatively you can run the report for multiple categories by choosing <SEL> to select more then one category.
STARTING DATE - Enter the starting date for this report.
ENDING DATE - Enter the ending date for this report.
DOCUMENT TYPE - Select to run the report for Invoices, Repairs or Both document types.
SORT OPTIONS - Chose to sort this report by Category, Referral Source or Specialist. If running the Product Sales Report by Specialist in Australia, the report will consider the first fitting/non-fitting practitioner listed on the HSP Claim as the Specialist. For HSP Claims that only have left/right accessories and no practitioner listed, the Authorized Person listed will be considered the Specialist on the Product Sales Report.
REPORT OPTIONS - From the available options, indicate either print or export to Microsoft Excel. (If running the report to Excel, more columns of information show.)
REPORT TYPE - From the available options, indicate either running the report in summary, detail format or in marginal analysis format. Note that running in marginal analysis format is only beneficial if Daily Close 3 - Sales Transactions have been performed within the date ranges of the report. If running this report in Margin Analysis mode in Australia, another column titled "HSP Claim Status" will display the claim status of the HSP Claim. If an HSP Claim has been voided or it if was a credit HSP Claim, the claim status will not display.
SUMMARY BY PRODUCT - This box will be enabled when the sort option is set to CATEGORY and the REPORT TYPE is set to summary. When this box is checked, the report and/or export will show totals for each product within each category, as opposed to printing the detailed transactions for each category.
SUMMARY BY LOCATION - This box will be enabled when the sort option is set to ALL LOCATIONS and the REPORT TYPE is set to summary. When this box is checked, the report and/or export will show totals for each location as opposed to printing a total for all locations combined.
If running the PRODUCT SALES REPORT in detail for all categories to Excel format, extra columns for PRICE LIST, PRICE LIST DESCRIPTION, REVENUE ACCOUNT, REPAIR REVENUE ACCOUNT, HSP REVENUE ACCOUNT (Aus only) and TOP UP ACCOUNT (Aus only) will also appear on the report if ran in DETAIL or MARGIN ANALYSIS format by CATEGORY.
Click CONTINUE to run the report using the selected criteria. Depending on the selected sort options, you will be able to see the percentage of total sales within the dates selected for each product or category.
Click EXIT to close the window.