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HCFA Parameters (U.S. Only)

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HCFA claims for American clinics can be processed through Manage via our partnership with Office Ally. To set up your clinic with HCFA Claim processing through Manage, please contact the Auditdata Support department.


HFCA Parameters is where the HCFA processing preferences are indicated.


The screen prompts are:


PROCESS HCFA CLAIMS CENTRALLY - To process all locations HCFA claims through one location, click this option.


USE DETAILS FROM LOCATION - If you have previously select to run all HCFA claims through one location, select that location here.


DEFAULT EXPORT FILE DIRECTORY - Choose the default export file path or directory to which your HCFA claims will be exported. To export to multiple directories based on the location, then leave this field blank and double click each location below to modify the export file directory for each location individually.


HCFA CLAIM TYPE - Select whether your HCFA Claim Type will be ICD 9, ICD 10 or whether to be prompted to select ICD9 or ICD 10 on each new claim created.


Each of your Locations appears and can be double clicked to modify the export file directory for each individual location, if not using the Default Export File Directory above.