Run the Export Purchase Transactions from the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE menu.
If integrating to:
QuickBooks - will create an exportable .iif file with accounts payable details that can be manually imported directly into QuickBooks.
Navision - will create an exportable .xls file with accounts payable details that can be manually imported directly into Navision.
Xero - is a configurable integration that can automatically import account payable transactions into Xero.
Purchase Transactions export creates Accounts Payable's, Inventory and Tax postings.
This creates the iif file (for QuickBooks) or .xls file (for Navision) that can be saved and later uploaded into Quick Books or Navision to update the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE'S information regarding both INVENTORY BILLS and EXPENSE BILLS.
Bills included in this export feed will ONLY be those bills entered that are not currently marked as "ON HOLD."
Purchase information such as bills from Manufacturers will be included with this export. Go to ACCOUNTS PAYABLE and EXPORT PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS.
To create a new Export Purchase Transaction file export, leave the TRX Number field blank.
Select ALL REGIONS or select a specific region for which to complete this PURCHASE TRANSACTION.
You are presented with an information window that shows the transaction number for this export.
Press OK to continue.
If exporting to QuickBooks or Navision, another information window will display asking whether to save or open the export file. Choose to save the file to a location that can be later retrieved for importing in your accounting system.
All the necessary financial's have been extracted and can now be imported into QuickBooks.