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Export ACC E-Claims

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The Export ACC E-Claims can be run to create an Excel file formatted for submission to ACC.


The report will show ACC Matrix claims that:

 1) have been have been through the Daily Close process

 2) have been finalized (only if the funder has been set up to require finalization)

 3) have had the ACC matrix applied to the invoice

 4) are invoices that do not contain credits or negative quantities


The screen prompts are:


TRX NUMBER (BLANK FOR NEW) - To run a brand new batch, leave the TRX NUMBER blank. The system will automatically assign the next available ACC E-Claim batch number. To review a previously created ACC E-Claim batch, use the magnifying glass symbol to search for the batch you wish to review.


ALL REGIONS - To run the ACC E-Claim batch for all regions, check this field.


REGION - To run the ACC E-Claim batch for a single region, select that region from the drop down list.


Once ready to run the export, press CONTINUE.


An Excel window with the ACC E-Claim formatted file that can be submitted to ACC.


TO exit the menu option, press EXIT.